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Transifex translation - question
Greetings all!

I would like to help translate to Croatian language, because I saw few odd translations in v 17.6, for example word random (as in song order) is wrongly translated, to a word with different meaning.
I've made account on Transifex, select Kodi main public project, requested access to Croatian language, but nothing happened since.
Are the translating teams so laid back, so I can expect any answer to request in the next, like, few weeks...?
We can be laid back too... It's a warm summer, and people are on holiday Wink

When did you make the request for the Croatian language on Transifex?
Now it's a week ago. I was hoping to help translate the rest of the untranslated things.
I know it's summer, but I hoped there is someone at least every other day... I guess summer hit harder than anticipated Smile
Now it's half a month.

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