Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
N00b question alert!! Please Help.
Hi All,

I've just googled how the Windows version is coming along and noticed it now has an installer. I've just remoted to my PC at home and downloaded and installed it but It encounters a fatal error and closes.

Before I start digging does this have any dependencies on any other software or should the installer install everything it needs?

If it does need anything else installing could you point me to a thread, I've search but couldn't find anything. The only install instruction relate to the older version where compiling was required etc.

I've got a second box running Ubuntu for solely to run XBMC but I'd prefer windows so if I can get this working I'll nuke ubuntu and throw XP back on.

Many Thanks

current graphics drivers are the main issue ie not the ones that come with XP or vista but the latest from your card manufacturers site.

I think there are or at least were problems with remote access probably to do with open GL drivers as well.
I did pick that up whilst searching the forums and updated my drivers, its an integrated Intel 845GL card (Don't Laugh!) Installed the drivers from Intel and restarted - still getting the same. I think I need to do some more digging in the logs to get them posted. My remote connection playing up so I'll have to check it when i get home.

Thansk for the response.
Panic over I think it was throwing a wobbler whilst remoting in. I checked when I got home and all is working well! I'm well impressed it seems to be working well!!

Thanks Team XBMC!

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