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Keymap Entry to Bring Up the "Edit Sort Title" Option?
As the title states, I'm looking for a way to add a keyboard shortcut to bring up the Context Menu -> Manage -> "Edit Sort Title" option. I can't seem to find any option for it under the Window_IDs (wiki), and I didn't see anything documenting how to open CONTEXT_BUTTON_* items (if it's even possible).

Am I missing something obvious, something hidden, or is it simply not possible?


I don't think you can.
If you have a lot of edits to make for sort title, it would be easier to edit the database directly. Though only do this if you are comfortable with SQL databases.
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I do have a lot, but, unfortunately, I only notice them as I go through my Movies section in Kodi, updating fanart and sorting titles if I notice it's needed.

Oh well, I was just hoping to save a few extra keystrokes. Definitely not the end of the world.

Thanks for the reply!

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Keymap Entry to Bring Up the "Edit Sort Title" Option?0