Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Low-latency video decoding

I have a small self-made CCTV system with 5 cameras and recording server, which also can stream a video from cameras to local network via multicast.
I can watch a video with VLC player using URL udp://@   ... udp://@
Now I have to upgrade my system and place X96+ Max Plus STB running on Amlogic S905X3 with CoreELEC 19.5 build. 
I use PVR Simple IPTV Client with local M3U file, which contains 5 channels. Everything is OK with this setup, I can watch a streams and switch it by remote control. 
But I have faced one issue - a video latency with KODI Video player is about 1.5 seconds more than with VLC. 
For VLC I can tune a latency by :network-caching parameter (1000 ms by default). When I set it to 300 - VLC plays faster than KODI for ~2 seconds without any issues. 

The question is - how to decrease a video latency for network sources in KODI?

I tried to play with <cache> parameters in advancedsettings.xml, but it seems that they are not make sense for my task.


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