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Solved .STRM and .NFO files - how to get to display properly
So, I have a YouTube playlist (music videos), that I've built a .STRM file for, and have in my TV source directory. I have the YouTube plugin installed and working.

While I can browse the directory folder and play the file directly, the an entry isn't created in the TV Shows Category that directory is the source for. I expected it to at least show up with a generic icon and use the filename as a title. But nope.

According to the docs, you can use .NFO files with .STRM files.... I tried creating n NFO file with the Music Video metadata tags (minimally filled in) with the same filename (sans extension) as the STRM file, but while that presents in TVShows category (with an incorrectly scraped icon based on the file name), but it appears to not be associated with the STM file, as selecting it won't play the STRM file of the same name.

I'm sure I'm doing something stupid. Anybody care to point out where I'm going wrong?


Well, to answer myself, I had hidden the Music Videos main section, hoping to combine both under TC, but didn't realize that means Kodi wouldn't even display a .STRM file with associated .NFO file with Music Video metadata...

Added the Music Videos category back , and pointed at the dir I moved the STRM/NFO files too, and bingo....
It's always nice seeing people solve their own problems! Smile
Thread marked solved.

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.STRM and .NFO files - how to get to display properly0