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show fanart via python code?
hi, I'd like to press a button my controller and have the fanart shown.

Is there a way to do it? I am familiar with Python.

Thanks in advance!
You need to provide a bit more info on when / how you want to see this.

In general, skins access art including fanart for an item in a container using an image control with a texture from some variant of the infolabel $INFO[ListItem.Art(fanart)], or for playing media with $INFO[Player.Art(fanart)], though there are some possible variations to get art for a TV Show related to an episode, or artist related to a song.  If you want to display as an overlay, you could create a custom skin dialog window, or simply add it to specific windows of interest.  Better to ask more in skin development forum.

Alternatively you can use the JSON-RPC interface through http or a python addon to get arbitrary fanart for library items and then set a window property for skin to display, or display via a python dialog window.  Ask more in the addon development forum.

There also exist some "skin helper" addons that do things like this.  They are supported in the skin development forum.

scott s.
(2022-07-13, 00:33)scott967 Wrote: You need to provide a bit more info on when / how you want to see this. ...
Hi, thank you for the detailed reply. Basically what I want is what is already working in Estuary if I go to movie and press i. There you see the option "Show fanart".

I want the same. Only difference is I want to map a button on my controller and press e.g. "Y". Then it should show the fanart. 

Appreciate further direction! Thank you!

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show fanart via python code?0