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Scraper doesn't seem to take locally store images.
Hello there, I was running Kodi 19.4 when I decided to move my internal library to a MariaDB.
The reason I decided to do the move is because I have two instance of Kodi and wanted to share the DB.

So before doing anything, I decided to use the Export- multiple files, function in Kodi Settings.
This generated NFO and downloaded all the images (including actors) to each folders next to the movie and TV Show episodes.
Everything so far seems the way I wanted it.

Then I updated my kodi to 19.5 All went well no issues there. 

I created the advancedsettings.xml file to pinpoint to my MariaDB. All went well, since I had exported as multiple files I couldn't import so I needed to readd my sources and re-scan my library.
So far so good. MariaDB was populated well.... But here is my question....

I have all the images, NFO and all in the appropriate folders... But the scraper still seems to be getting images online to cache them on the machine. Why? Everything is local. Did I miss something?
How can I check to confirm what I think it's doing?

When I look at Myvideos119.db I see a bunch of https for the images of actor and all for all my files even if they are all local.....

What I'm I missing.

I just tested something...

If I changed the scrapper to local information only... and I do not refresh the content.
All the items that weren't scanned yet loaded in a matter of seconds. and all information are there. 

So I guess I can load all local information only. Once library fully loaded I can go and change the scrapper to whatever I want and NOT refresh and I should be good to go?

(2022-12-28, 22:23)first_dominator Wrote: Export- multiple files, function in Kodi Settings
I wouldn't export artwork. The cached artwork is modified, usually made smaller. Use Artwork Dump to download the originals...
Though, keep your .actors folder and images as Artwork Dump does not download actors, due to a missing requirment in Kodi.

You shouldn't need to change to Local Information Only scraper if you have local. Do you have a Debug Log that captures the issue? I might spot what the problem is.
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Question, since this Artwork Dump plugin keeps the origianl file size... does this means my scrolling in library movies will take more time to show the posters?
Keep in mind I have a HUGE library of 4000 movies and overs 20000 episodes...

(2023-01-05, 06:20)first_dominator Wrote: does this means my scrolling in library movies will take more time to show the posters?
Nope. Kodi still uses the cached artwork.
All that happens by having local artwork is that when you rebuild your library, you don't need to rely on the scraper site still having the image available as you have it saved locally.
Artwork should be considered as having an expiry date at the scraper sites. Thousands of images are deleted each year.
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Ok. But the export option in Kodi does save all the images locally....
I do understand that Artwork Dump keeps the original HIgh-res image but what's the purpose if kodi will still use it's cached one on a smaller scale?
Sorry jsut want to udnerstand the difference here of the export option and the Artwork Dump.

You want the cached image to be created from the best possible image.
Ok, makes sense. even if I don't see any bad images on a 4k OLED 77 inch tv, I'll still go ahead and try Artwork Dump.


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Scraper doesn't seem to take locally store images.0