Kodi Stealing Focus

How do I stop Kodi from un-minimising itself and stealing the main window focus when I switch my TV back on?

this does not sound like normal kodi operation, more likely an operating system configuration

what operating system and how was kodi installed?
(2023-09-07, 16:42)jepsizofye Wrote: what operating system and how was kodi installed?
Debian 12 (Bookworm) and installed Kodi (version 20.2.0) using `apt`.
looks like this is not a new thing - https://www.reddit.com/r/kodi/comments/n...v_power_on

i am not sure how to properly diagnose this 'issue'



this seems less so a bug and more so a feature since normal kodi use makes it a media center connected to a TV and not a standard media player
Thanks for looking, jepsizofye.
(2023-09-07, 17:49)jepsizofye Wrote: looks like this is not a new thing - https://www.reddit.com/r/kodi/comments/n...v_power_on
Just like the op of that reddit post the suggestions there doesn't work for me either (I also don't have any cec devices).
Quote:this seems less so a bug and more so a feature since normal kodi use makes it a media center connected to a TV and not a standard media player
Could I somehow disable this feature, or configure debian to not send a "TV switched on" sort of message to running apps?

Thanks again.

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