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[RELEASE] Pneumatic
Pneumatic is a NZB engine add-on for XBMC. It requires SABnzbd as backbone.


Pneumatic manages SABnzbd interaction and can also "trick" XBMC into playing videos in incomplete rar set's. Together with extensions (see below), the addon will allow you to access and use meta data made available from nzb index sites.

Intended use: Only to be used for accessing data in accordance with the laws of your country of residence.

  1. SABnzbd 0.7+
  2. SABnzbd has to have some default post processing like +delete
  3. The incomplete folder and its files of SABnzbd has to be read-writable by XBMC
  4. SABnzbd api key and user + password is supported
  5. Last but not least, a working usenet account Wink

In settings you can set preferred mode when selecting items, auto play or not. Auto play is enabled by default and download through the context menu. To repair or delete go to the incomplete folder and select from the context menu.
The incomplete folder of SABnzbd has to reside on a mounted share if not locally accessible (not on XBMC-Frodo). The files in the incomplete folder has to be readable by XBMC.
Note: iThingies and Android devices are now officially supported when running Frodo.

You can get my repo and other useful addons through the fusion installer or just install repository.popeye.
On android, https doesnt currently work so you will have to get the raw files from the repo.

You can find Pneumatic under programs and Newznab under video.

Pneumatic 0.4.1
- Depends on SABnzbd addon
- Helix compatible

Pneumatic 0.3.1
- Fix for remote fake rar writing in Frodo
- Better "Find incomplete" dialog

Pneumatic 0.3.0
- Lots of fixes
- New icon and fanart
- Option to delete local nzb's
- Support for strm and nzb in same dir
- Support for remote shares in Frodo (e.g. incomplete dir mounted in xbmc over nfs or smb)

Pneumatic 0.2.12
- Set_streaming now set for unpacked content
- Correct post-processing on canceled downloads

Pneumatic 0.2.11
- Support for unpacked content (Some things are not in rar's)
- Debug logging settings. In the future when needing help, just enable the debug logging setting in Pneumatic. There is no need for the XBMC general debug log. Remember the log is full of your api keys etc so clean it or just PM me with it.
- Pause only SAB queue item. Pneumatic will not pause the whole queue when messing with individual queue items.

Pneumatic 0.2.10
- Do not fail downloads when selecting "Just download" in "Downloading.." menu

Pneumatic 0.2.9
- Progress dialog fix for XBMC-Frodo users

Pneumatic 0.2.8
- Support for folder renaming switch in SABnzbd
- Bug fixes

Pneumatic 0.2.7
- Fixed incomplete folder error

Pneumatic 0.2.6
- Switched to PLAYER_CORE_AUTO
- Added support for s00 s01 ..
- Removed forgotten notification
- Allow progress dialog to close or play back can fail
- Log what incomplete folders gets removed

Pneumatic 0.2.5
- NoneType in nf_to_bottom list to SAB
- NoneType error due to timing with SAB
- Option to cache nzb
- Dont crash when tvrage is down

Pneumatic 0.2.4
Enhanced local nzb browsing. Support for multiple folders (context menu to add and remove)
Bugfix for a special case where SAB reports 0 byte file size
Support for Neon skin

How it works
The add-on will sent the nzb url to SABnzbd, wait for the first rar, play the movie. Since the download could finish before we are done watching SABnzbd will fail the job when done. In the "Incomplete" folder in the top level of the add-on you can delete or repair watched items. Repair will execute your default post processing.

ECO System - Extensions and Tools
The core add-on can be extended with additional site support and external tools

Newznab by Popeye
Newznab is supporting up to 5 compatible sites with fully configurable meta data scraping capabilities (e.g. Categories are fetched from each site and un-wanted can be hidden through the context menu. The id and key for the individual sites can be found on their respective RSS pages. (e.g. i=id and r=key for

Note, you will need to update your site urls for API and RSS. They can be the same or differ. Site id is optional depending on site.

Newznab for Pneumatic
Use my repo above to install.

Newznab 0.3.0
- Pure Newznab API, no more parsing of rss feed html data for media meta data.
- Https support.
- Sites with different url's for rss and api are now supported.
- Youtube trailer search disabled

Newznab 0.2.5
- Sort on name, size and date
- Youtube trailer search

Newznab 0.2.4
- Send User-agent
- Fixed error handling
- Show HD icon


Pneumatic Nzb Watcher by badwornthing
This is a simple program that sits in your taskbar tray and every x seconds scans your Sick Beard and CouchPotato download folders to find .Nzb files. When it finds one, it creates a .Strm file that links to it, and also moves the .Nzb file to reside with the .Strm file. More...

Hydraulic by ckergald
Hydraulic is a simple windows tool that will create .strm files that can be used in conjunction with Pneumatic addon. More...

NzbTV by ckergald and Popeye
List TV-channels and their shows. Integrates with the newznab addon for show listings.
Note: This might be broken..
A demo by ckergald showing NzbTV, newznab and Pneumtic in action.

A fork of Sickbeard by tpunder/akuiraz
This fork has strm file support for Sickbeard. More..
Woah, really?


So when you say SAB will fail the download, is it possible to still let it get sorted by, for example, the sickbeard postprocessing script?
branlr Wrote:Woah, really?


So when you say SAB will fail the download, is it possible to still let it get sorted by, for example, the sickbeard postprocessing script?


It's an "experimental" feature of release 0.6.0 Beta2.
You can enable the "hidden" feature "allow_streaming" (in the sabnzbd.ini file).
This will make every job land as a "failed" unprocessed job in the History.
The files will remain in "incomplete".
After watching you can decide to delete or post-process

I have enabled the repair function in the addon
firstly, thanks for contributing your work.

have you tested on other platforms (and subsequently failed), or have you only tested on windows so far? I'm trying to get it working on windows first before I test others, but will soon try other platforms.

Ubuntu 10.04 , have some issues with playng from rars, but it seems like a general issue. Dont have the time to dig more right now...
Oh wow just what i was searching for Smile How difficult would it be to add other sites to grab the nzb's from ?
I haven't yet really dug in, but it failed for me on win7, running xbmc 10.1, with latest sabnzbd (0.6.0 beta4). After 1st rar completes, it's as if it opens the rar as a folder, with just a '..' at the top, and a blank file (movie icon but no name). If i just let it sit nothing happens, but if I click on the blank spot next to the movie icon, I can see the zero byte rars created in the incomplete folder and then disappear while XBMC gives me a failed to play error. I'll dig up the log and get something actually useful posted a bit later.
Seems very nice. just tried but get an error :
TSUPER-XBMC-NZB-64C6D15 when trying to launch it
I'm on 10.1 Windows 7 SABNZBD 0.6.0beta3
Option to allow streaming has been changed
Nvidia Shield Android Marshmallow - Kodi 16.0
Amazon Fire TV 1st Gen
Apple TV 4th Gen
Logitech Harmony Elite + Keyboard
Philips Hue
Amazon Echo
lefty420 Wrote:Oh wow just what i was searching for Smile How difficult would it be to add other sites to grab the nzb's from ?

Have tried to sepparate the nzbs code as much as possible, will include in a few days.

For those with problems, its an alpha and try to get logs etc..
Seems awesome--I tried it out quickly to see if it works and it does indeed. I have a few questions:

- If you start downloading/playing an NZB and then stop the video before it finishes and try to start another, will you have to wait for the first NZB to finish downloading before the script is able to play the next?

- If you're watching a video and the next required RAR file hasn't finished downloading on time, does the video pause or cut out? Are you able to resume easily?
I have implemented sorting of the queue so the nzb you intend to watch is first.
Since the script is a one time operation i have no way of controlling what happens after the movie starts, just hope your connection is good enough, if not the movie will stop...
This is great news. I'm anxious to get it working. I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and get this error
10:16:11 T:140188372158208 M:1005740032    INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
10:16:11 T:140188372158208 M:1005740032   ERROR: Error Type: exceptions.ImportError
10:16:11 T:140188372158208 M:1005740032   ERROR: Error Contents: No module named rar
10:16:11 T:140188372158208 M:1005740032   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.xbmc/addons/", line 39, in ?
                                                from rar import RarFile
                                            ImportError: No module named rar
10:16:11 T:140188372158208 M:1005740032    INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--
10:16:11 T:140188372158208 M:1005740032    INFO: Python script stopped
10:16:11 T:140188372158208 M:1005740032   DEBUG: Thread 140188372158208 terminating
I realize this is alpha software, and I just wanted to give you a heads up.
You're getting that error because you're using the latest source code rather than downloading the release version which is 0.0.2.

Hit 'Downloads' and choose ''
Ah, thank you. I get this error.
ERROR: File::Open - unknown exception when opening  rar://%2fhtpc%2fvideo%2f%2etmp%2fThe%2eBiggest%2eLoser%2eAU
ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [rar://%2fhtpc%2fvideo%2f%2etmp%2fThe%2eBiggest%2eLoser%2eAU
and I removed my ID and hash, of course. Not sure if you guys want to be bugged with Linux problems just yet, though.
Sorry. Just cant figure out why linux refuses to play...
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[RELEASE] Pneumatic11