Release Metropolis 3.3.0
Support for Kodi 16 Jarvis.

Addressed issues since 3.2.0:
  • Support for Kodi 16.
  • Fix dot delimiter position for Picture info in views.
  • Fix frame for focused picture Icon in Gallery Fanart view.
  • Fix max width for song info overlay text.
  • New rating icons.
  • Always top-align Widget lists.
  • Fix Playlist Widget labels for TV Shows.
  • Update language files from Transifex.
Hi Jingai,

On Kodi 15, I only see a 3.2.1 update. Is this correct?

Thx for the update. I'll be updating to 16 when Openelec is ready.
Hoping for this weekend.
Hi system auto-updated to 3.3.0 and I lost all grahics, backgrounds, etc.
I tried completely removing Metropolis and installing fresh and same problem.
Let me know if you need a log file.
(2016-02-27, 18:04)Aenima99x Wrote: Hi system auto-updated to 3.3.0 and I lost all grahics, backgrounds, etc.
I tried completely removing Metropolis and installing fresh and same problem.
Let me know if you need a log file.

I have the same issue here on one of my computers everything is dark. You can see some settings but it is hard to click on things becasue everything is dark like someone turned the lights off. I also completely uninstalled Kodi 16 and then reinstalled Kodi 16 along with installing Metropolis 3.3.0 and that did not fix the blackout issue.

Now the strange thing is I do not have this issue on my Acer notebook. Metropolis 3.3.0 looks normal on my notebook running Kodi 16 and Metropolis 3.3.0.

I wonder what's wrong?


Yeah that's the exact issue I'm seeing on 4 different machines. I'd guess maybe the textures.xbt is corrupt?
That's odd.. It looks like the textures didn't get packed in the push. I'll talk to Ronie, but yes, please do provide log files.
@MasterSiep, yes, 3.2.1 is the current release for Isengard (Kodi 15).

And yeah the xbt files are in the 3.3.0 package, but something is obviously wrong with them.. I packed them myself with the TexturePacker in the Jarvis sources and they still didn't show.. so I tried a version I had built from Feb 2014 and had the same results.

I don't know what's going on here.. sorry guys. I've already pinged Ronie about it, so hopefully he'll have a chance to look at it soon.
Thanks for the update Jingai.
Problem found and corrected. Give it a little bit to propagate through the repo mirrors but it should be available today. TexturePacker is apparently case-insensitive and I had two media flags with the same name but different case. Not sure why it never broke things before, but I removed one of them and it does work now.
Just forced the repo update and ver 3.3.1 works perfect. Thanks Jingai!
3.3.1 working great here on Kodi 16 too Smile

Thanks for fixing this issue so quickly!
(2016-02-27, 21:00)jingai Wrote: Problem found and corrected. Give it a little bit to propagate through the repo mirrors but it should be available today. TexturePacker is apparently case-insensitive and I had two media flags with the same name but different case. Not sure why it never broke things before, but I removed one of them and it does work now.

I know, that had been giving me grief with 7-zip for years. I assumed it was on purpose.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
This was my OG skin back in the day. I love that this skin keeps on tickin'. How many ver. of Kodi now?
(2016-02-28, 09:15)MacGyver Wrote:
(2016-02-27, 21:00)jingai Wrote: Problem found and corrected. Give it a little bit to propagate through the repo mirrors but it should be available today. TexturePacker is apparently case-insensitive and I had two media flags with the same name but different case. Not sure why it never broke things before, but I removed one of them and it does work now.

I know, that had been giving me grief with 7-zip for years. I assumed it was on purpose.

It was on purpose, because one scraper makes it "J-Pop" while another "J-pop". A long while ago someone reported this and the easiest thing to do was simply duplicate the image since TexturePacker notices duplicates and links them anyway.

It's currently not going to match for one of the scrapers since I just removed one of them to get this out quickly, but we'll be moving to image resource packs in 3.3.2 anyway so I'll fix it then.
thanks guys for taking the time to bring a gorgeous skin up to date
looking 4ward to explore the audio enhancements
and talking about these -
is there a reason why the Audio DSP manager in System/ Audio Output still does nothing when I click on it?
works in Confluence and Transparency!
using 3.3.1
IMAX@Home on the room sized screen since 1989

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Metropolis 3.3.00