Solved Quick launch menu empty on AppleTV
Quick launch menu keep empty, like it's not working on AppleTV? Ive install, reinstall, create new profile, erase and new install from scratch, it keeps empty. I wonder if someone has it working on an AppleTV 4k. Or are there some folders that keeps some files troubling it even if I erase and install again? Of course I tried to reset every menu and preferences, but nothing work. I might have upload the content of the files working on my iPhone, wondering if it now troubles it. Is the only solution to reset my AppleTV? I find it strange, and will try it if someone can confirm it's working fine for them.
The quick launch menu appear, but keeps empty., I can modify it, erase some, and put new menu, but it keeps opening empty...
Any help welcome, and if you know any skin that has the ability to have a quick nav able to come back to some special addons Ill take it.
Oh also, the home menu is empty, And I cant do anything about it, just use my remote to go where i want.... 
Kodi 19 or 20, just the same...
Fixed by replacing content using Xcode, and placing content of my working iOs app...

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Quick launch menu empty on AppleTV0