RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - malte - 2018-01-28
When you launch a game in RCB you should find something like "RCB INFO cmd:" in your log file. This will show the exact launch command that RCB uses to launch the game.
Common errors are:
- %ROM% instead of "%ROM%" (the "" is important to handle file names with whitespaces)
- usually you will also need to specify the path to your config file (-c "path_to_config.cfg")
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - gotham2014 - 2018-01-28
Not sure where you want me to check the config file path. I did check the "%ROM%" in the log below, looks good?
Code: 16:33:47.655 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB started
16:33:47.655 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB: sys.argv = ['']
16:33:47.655 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB: param =
16:33:47.656 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB: setting launchRCB = True
16:33:47.656 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB: launchRCB = True
16:33:47.957 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
16:33:48.608 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB: init log level
16:33:48.610 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB: current log level: 2
16:33:48.610 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Loading sqlite3 as DB engine
16:33:49.185 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Path to configuration file: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\\config.xml
16:33:49.186 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: XBMC version = 17.6.0
16:33:49.186 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: XBMC major version no = 17
16:33:49.189 T:6216 WARNING: CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings
16:33:49.228 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Init Rom Collection Browser: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\
16:33:49.228 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: RCB version: 2.1.2
16:33:49.228 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: RCB service addon: <xbmcaddon.Addon object at 0x116EE338>
16:33:49.235 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: checkUpdateInProgress
16:33:49.235 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: scrapeOnStartupAction =
16:33:49.235 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: initializeConfig
16:33:49.235 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Config() set path to None
16:33:49.236 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Path to configuration file: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\\config.xml
16:33:49.236 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: checkRomCollectionsAvailable
16:33:49.236 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: initXml
16:33:49.236 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Path to configuration file: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\\config.xml
16:33:49.300 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Number of Rom Collections in config.xml: 1
16:33:49.308 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Reading config version from config.xml: 2.0.8
16:33:49.308 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Config file is up to date
16:33:49.308 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: readXml
16:33:49.308 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: initXml
16:33:49.316 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin readRomCollections
16:33:49.316 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Nintendo 64
16:33:49.316 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Rom path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.n64
16:33:49.316 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Rom path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.v64
16:33:49.316 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Rom path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.z64
16:33:49.316 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://xxx/XBMC/Games Artwork//boxfront/%GAME%.*
16:33:49.317 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://xxx/XBMC/Games Artwork//boxback/%GAME%.*
16:33:49.317 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://xxx/XBMC/Games Artwork//cartridge/%GAME%.*
16:33:49.317 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://xxx/XBMC/Games Artwork//screenshot/%GAME%.*
16:33:49.317 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Media path: smb://xxx/XBMC/Games Artwork//fanart/%GAME%.*
16:33:49.318 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
16:33:49.318 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
16:33:49.318 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
16:33:49.342 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper site:
16:33:49.342 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
16:33:49.342 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
16:33:49.351 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfobig
16:33:49.354 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Image Placing name: gameinfosmall
16:33:49.356 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: emulatorCmd: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
16:33:49.356 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: emulatorParams: "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe" -L "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\cores\mupen64plus_libretro.dll" "%ROM%"
16:33:49.356 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: useBuiltinEmulator: False
16:33:49.356 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: allowUpdate: True
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: useEmuSolo: False
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: usePopen: False
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoMain: True
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: autoplayVideoInfo: True
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: useFoldernameAsGamename: False
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: maxFolderDepth: 99
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: doNotExtractZipFiles: False
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: makeLocalCopy: False
16:33:49.357 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: diskPrefix: _Disk.*
16:33:49.358 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site: local nfo
16:33:49.358 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
16:33:49.358 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
16:33:49.358 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
16:33:49.359 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
16:33:49.359 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
16:33:49.359 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
16:33:49.359 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
16:33:49.361 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
16:33:49.361 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
16:33:49.362 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper Site:
16:33:49.362 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Scraper descFilePerGame: True
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - malte - 2018-01-28
I think there are two errors in your config.
1. You have the path to retroarch.exe in emu cmd and emu params
2. You don't have the path to the config file specified (may be optional but I always have issues without)
So, the correct config should look like this:
emulatorCmd: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
emulatorParams: -c "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg" -L "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\cores\mupen64plus_libretro.dll" "%ROM%"
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - gotham2014 - 2018-01-28
Good tip. I changed it as you can see in the log. However still not opening of the console. I checked again the string in cmd and it worked. Something else that could be causing the problem?
Code: 17:09:18.631 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin launchEmu
17:09:18.657 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: launching game with id: 1
17:09:18.657 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin launcher.launchEmu
17:09:18.658 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewState
17:09:18.699 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin saveViewMode
17:09:18.734 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End saveViewMode
17:09:18.735 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin helper.saveViewState
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End helper.saveViewState
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End saveViewState
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: files for current game: [(u'smb://xxxS/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64',)]
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: launcher.buildCmd
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: emuCommandLine: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: preCmdLine:
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: postCmdLine:
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Getting Multiple Disc Parameter
17:09:18.841 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: emuParams: -c "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg" -L "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\cores\mupen64plus_libretro.dll" "%ROM%"
17:09:18.842 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: rom: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64
17:09:18.842 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: No precmd created.
17:09:18.842 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: No postcmd created.
17:09:18.925 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: cmd: call "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.exe" -c "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg" -L "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\cores\mupen64plus_libretro.dll" "smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64"
17:09:18.925 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: precmd: call
17:09:18.925 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: postcmd: call
17:09:18.925 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: launchEmu on non-xbox
17:09:18.925 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: screenMode: Windowed
17:09:18.925 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: launch emu
17:09:19.025 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: onAction: 100
17:09:20.087 T:1512 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
17:09:20.088 T:1512 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
17:09:23.638 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: launch emu done
17:09:23.644 T:1512 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
17:09:23.738 T:6216 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: onAction: 107
17:09:24.655 T:6308 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - malte - 2018-01-28
I also tested to import games with the emby xml file.
Here is the required parser xml:
Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<GameGrammar type="xml" root=".">
To get this working in RCB you will need to do the following:
- save the above xml in a file named "_parserConfig_Emby.xml"
Easiest way will be to edit config.xml manually. Here ist the part of the config that worked for me:
Code: <RomCollection id="1" name="Nintendo 64">
<gameclient />
<emulatorParams>"%rom%" -f -D -c "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg" -L "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\cores\mupen64plus_libretro.dll"</emulatorParams>
<preCmd />
<postCmd />
<saveStatePath />
<saveStateParams />
<romPath>D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\*.z64</romPath>
<romPath>D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\*.n64</romPath>
<mediaPath type="boxfront">D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\%GAME%\poster.png</mediaPath>
<mediaPath type="screenshot">D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\%GAME%\screenshot.png</mediaPath>
<mediaPath type="fanart">D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\%GAME%\fanart.png</mediaPath>
<mediaPath type="boxback">D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\%GAME%\back.jpg</mediaPath>
<scraper name="Nintendo 64" replaceKeyString="" replaceValueString="" />
Replace the romPath and mediaPath elements with your folder structure and file names.
At the end of the file add the following element to the scrapers section:
Code: <Site descFilePerGame="True" name="Nintendo 64" searchGameByCRC="False" useFilenameAsCRC="False" useFoldernameAsCRC="False">
<Scraper encoding="iso-8859-1" parseInstruction="D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\_parserConfig_Emby.xml" returnUrl="False" source="D:\Games\Testsets\Scraper Tests\Emby\N64\%GAME%\game.xml" />
Replace parseInstruction and source attributes with your folder names.
If you are not familiar with editing xml files I can give you instructions how to edit everything via RCBs dialogs. But this has to wait until tomorrow
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - gotham2014 - 2018-01-28
Thanks for your help!!
I will have to sit down and have a good read and implement it. I hope to be able to do this tomorrow or the day after. I get back to. have a good evening. :-)
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - gotham2014 - 2018-01-28
Where is the config.xml file located. cant easily find it in the add-on folder. Sorry if I missed it.
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - malte - 2018-01-28
Its in your userdata\addon_data folder. One directory above addons.
About your launching issue: Did you try "Make local copy". Its on the "Launch Game" Tab in "Edit Rom Collection" Dialog.
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - Slipass - 2018-01-28
Hi @malte
i have a problem to play my roms with retroarch from smb path.
I think, the parameters are ok. With the old RCB Version is it ok. Do you have an idea?
Old verison:
new version
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - malte - 2018-01-28
Hmmm, I can't imagine that RCB changes your configuration from drive letters to smb path. I would say this is out of RCBs scope. Did you reconfigure your rom collections and used different sources than in previous configurations?
You should be able to use smb paths with "Make Local Copy" enabled. If this is not the way you want to go, you will need to add a source in kodi with a drive letter that points to your smb path. When you use this source in RCB, RCB will use the drive letter instead of the smb path.
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - gotham2014 - 2018-01-29
Hi @malte
I was able to make the changes, but after cleaning the DB and re-importing the 2 games, I still dont get the images shown. Here is the log. This might help? I also notice that sometimes the files use jpg or png so it changes depending on the imported artwork. (the code gave a hard url to either jpg or png if not mistaken)
Code: 14:42:02.317 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: init DBUpdate
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Start Update DB
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Iterating Rom Collections
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: matchingRatioIndex: 2
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: fuzzyFactor: 0.7
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: enableFullReimport: False
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: current Rom Collection: Nintendo 64
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: ignoreOnScan: False
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: update is allowed for current rom collection: True
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: max folder depth: 99
14:42:02.322 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Rom path: ['smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.n64', 'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.v64', 'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.z64']
14:42:02.323 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Reading rom files
14:42:02.323 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: walkDownPath romPath: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.n64
14:42:02.323 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.n64
14:42:02.323 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.n64
14:42:02.323 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64
14:42:02.323 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.495 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs', 'Donkey Kong 64', 'GoldenEye 007']
14:42:02.495 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'gamesystem.xml', 'poster.jpg']
14:42:02.503 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart/*.n64
14:42:02.503 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart/*.n64
14:42:02.503 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart
14:42:02.503 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.555 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:02.555 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:02.555 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs/*.n64
14:42:02.556 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs/*.n64
14:42:02.556 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs
14:42:02.556 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.612 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:02.612 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:02.612 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/*.n64
14:42:02.612 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/*.n64
14:42:02.612 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:02.612 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.676 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:02.676 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:02.677 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart/*.n64
14:42:02.677 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart/*.n64
14:42:02.677 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart
14:42:02.677 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.694 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:02.694 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:02.694 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs/*.n64
14:42:02.694 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs/*.n64
14:42:02.694 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs
14:42:02.694 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.828 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:02.828 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:02.828 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/*.n64
14:42:02.828 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/*.n64
14:42:02.828 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:02.828 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.854 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:02.854 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.jpg', 'fanart.jpg', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'GoldenEye 007.v64', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:02.854 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart/*.n64
14:42:02.854 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart/*.n64
14:42:02.854 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart
14:42:02.855 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.864 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:02.864 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:02.864 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs/*.n64
14:42:02.864 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs/*.n64
14:42:02.865 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs
14:42:02.865 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.n64
14:42:02.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:02.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:02.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: files after walkDown = []
14:42:02.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: walkDownPath romPath: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.v64
14:42:02.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.v64
14:42:02.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.v64
14:42:02.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64
14:42:02.938 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:02.954 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs', 'Donkey Kong 64', 'GoldenEye 007']
14:42:02.954 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'gamesystem.xml', 'poster.jpg']
14:42:02.954 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart/*.v64
14:42:02.954 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart/*.v64
14:42:02.954 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart
14:42:02.954 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:02.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:02.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:02.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs/*.v64
14:42:02.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs/*.v64
14:42:02.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs
14:42:02.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:03.073 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.073 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:03.073 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/*.v64
14:42:03.073 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/*.v64
14:42:03.073 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.073 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:03.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb:/xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart/*.v64
14:42:03.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart/*.v64
14:42:03.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart
14:42:03.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:03.093 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.093 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:03.093 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs/*.v64
14:42:03.093 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs/*.v64
14:42:03.093 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb:/xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs
14:42:03.093 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:03.123 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.123 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:03.123 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/*.v64
14:42:03.123 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/*.v64
14:42:03.123 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.123 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:03.137 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.137 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.jpg', 'fanart.jpg', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'GoldenEye 007.v64', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.137 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart/*.v64
14:42:03.137 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart/*.v64
14:42:03.137 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart
14:42:03.138 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:03.172 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.173 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:03.173 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs/*.v64
14:42:03.173 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs/*.v64
14:42:03.173 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs
14:42:03.173 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.v64
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: files after walkDown = ['smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/GoldenEye 007.v64']
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: walkDownPath romPath: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.z64
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.z64
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64//*.z64
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64
14:42:03.260 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.271 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs', 'Donkey Kong 64', 'GoldenEye 007']
14:42:03.271 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'gamesystem.xml', 'poster.jpg']
14:42:03.271 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart/*.z64
14:42:03.271 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart/*.z64
14:42:03.271 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrafanart
14:42:03.271 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.279 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.279 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:03.279 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs/*.z64
14:42:03.279 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs/*.z64
14:42:03.279 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/extrathumbs
14:42:03.279 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.286 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.286 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:03.287 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/*.z64
14:42:03.287 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/*.z64
14:42:03.287 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.287 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.295 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.295 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.295 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart/*.z64
14:42:03.295 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart/*.z64
14:42:03.295 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrafanart
14:42:03.295 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.329 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.329 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:03.329 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs/*.z64
14:42:03.329 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs/*.z64
14:42:03.329 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/extrathumbs
14:42:03.329 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.341 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.341 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:03.341 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/*.z64
14:42:03.341 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/*.z64
14:42:03.341 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.341 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.360 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.360 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.jpg', 'fanart.jpg', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'GoldenEye 007.v64', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.360 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart/*.z64
14:42:03.360 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart/*.z64
14:42:03.360 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrafanart
14:42:03.360 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.392 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.393 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['fanart2.jpg', 'fanart1.jpg']
14:42:03.393 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Running walkdown on: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs/*.z64
14:42:03.393 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs/*.z64
14:42:03.393 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/extrathumbs
14:42:03.393 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: *.z64
14:42:03.411 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: []
14:42:03.411 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['thumb2.jpg', 'thumb1.jpg']
14:42:03.411 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: files after walkDown = ['smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/GoldenEye 007.v64']
14:42:03.412 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Files read: [u'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64', u'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/GoldenEye 007.v64']
14:42:03.412 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: current rom file: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64
14:42:03.412 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: gamename (file): Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.412 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: gamename (friendly): Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.412 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: checkRomfileIsMultirom. gamename = Donkey Kong 64, lastgamename =
14:42:03.412 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Start scraping info for game: Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.413 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFoldernameFromRomFilename: %ssmb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64
14:42:03.413 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.413 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using scraper: Nintendo 64
14:42:03.413 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: parseDescriptionFile
14:42:03.413 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Donkey Kong 64 could not be found. Check if this path exists: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/game.xml
14:42:03.413 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: getBestResults
14:42:03.413 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
14:42:03.422 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: parseDescriptionFile
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: description file for game Donkey Kong 64 could not be found. Check if this path exists: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/game.xml
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: getBestResults
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: insertGameFromDesc
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert data
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Publisher : 'Publisher'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Developer : 'Developer'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: ReleaseYear : 'ReleaseYear'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Genre
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Reviewer : 'Reviewer'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Publisher : 'Publisher'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Developer : 'Developer'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Region : 'Region'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Media : 'Media'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Controller : 'Controller'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Players : 'Players'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Rating : 'Rating'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Votes : 'Votes'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: URL : 'URL'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Perspective : 'Perspective'
14:42:03.423 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: OriginalTitle : 'OriginalTitle'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: AlternateTitle : 'AlternateTitle'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: TranslatedBy : 'TranslatedBy'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Version : 'Version'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Description : 'Description'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: IsFavorite : 'IsFavorite'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: LaunchCount : 'LaunchCount'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Game : 'Game'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxfront
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypeboxfront
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypeboxfront : 'Filetypeboxfront'
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/poster.png
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/poster.png
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/poster.png
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.424 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: poster.png
14:42:03.444 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.444 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Donkey Kong 64" at path "smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/poster.png". Make sure that file names are matching.
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: screenshot
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypescreenshot
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypescreenshot : 'Filetypescreenshot'
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/screenshot.png
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/screenshot.png
14:42:03.445 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/screenshot.png
14:42:03.446 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.446 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: screenshot.png
14:42:03.478 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.478 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Donkey Kong 64" at path "smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/screenshot.png". Make sure that file names are matching.
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: fanart
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypefanart
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypefanart : 'Filetypefanart'
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/fanart.png
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/fanart.png
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/fanart.png
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.480 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: fanart.png
14:42:03.493 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.493 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "Donkey Kong 64" at path "smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/fanart.png". Make sure that file names are matching.
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxback
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypeboxback
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypeboxback : 'Filetypeboxback'
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/back.jpg
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/back.jpg
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/back.jpg
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.494 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: back.jpg
14:42:03.508 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.508 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.png', 'Donkey Kong 64.v64', 'fanart.jpg', 'Thumbs.db', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.541 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Game does not exist in database. Insert game: Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.543 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
14:42:03.543 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 5
14:42:03.543 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: File does not exist in database. Insert file: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/Donkey Kong 64.v64
14:42:03.543 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Importing files: {<config.FileType instance at 0x10B20A08>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x10B20990>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x10B208A0>: [u'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/back.jpg'], <config.FileType instance at 0x10B207D8>: []}
14:42:03.543 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
14:42:03.543 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 5
14:42:03.543 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: File does not exist in database. Insert file: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/Donkey Kong 64/back.jpg
14:42:03.654 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: current rom file: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/GoldenEye 007.v64
14:42:03.654 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: gamename (file): GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.654 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: gamename (friendly): GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.654 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: checkRomfileIsMultirom. gamename = GoldenEye 007, lastgamename = Donkey Kong 64
14:42:03.654 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Start scraping info for game: GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFoldernameFromRomFilename: %ssmb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/GoldenEye 007.v64
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using scraper: Nintendo 64
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: parseDescriptionFile
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: description file for game GoldenEye 007 could not be found. Check if this path exists: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/game.xml
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: getBestResults
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: parseDescriptionFile
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: description file for game GoldenEye 007 could not be found. Check if this path exists: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/game.xml
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: getBestResults
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: No results found with current scraper
14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: insertGameFromDesc
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert data
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Publisher : 'Publisher'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Developer : 'Developer'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: ReleaseYear : 'ReleaseYear'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Genre
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Reviewer : 'Reviewer'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Publisher : 'Publisher'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Developer : 'Developer'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Region : 'Region'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Media : 'Media'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Controller : 'Controller'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Players : 'Players'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Rating : 'Rating'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Votes : 'Votes'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: URL : 'URL'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Perspective : 'Perspective'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: OriginalTitle : 'OriginalTitle'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: AlternateTitle : 'AlternateTitle'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: TranslatedBy : 'TranslatedBy'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Version : 'Version'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Description : 'Description'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: IsFavorite : 'IsFavorite'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: LaunchCount : 'LaunchCount'
14:42:03.656 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Game : 'Game'
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxfront
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypeboxfront
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypeboxfront : 'Filetypeboxfront'
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/poster.png
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/poster.png
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/poster.png
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.657 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: poster.png
14:42:03.713 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.713 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.jpg', 'fanart.jpg', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'GoldenEye 007.v64', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "GoldenEye 007" at path "smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/poster.png". Make sure that file names are matching.
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: screenshot
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypescreenshot
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypescreenshot : 'Filetypescreenshot'
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/screenshot.png
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/screenshot.png
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/screenshot.png
14:42:03.721 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.722 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: screenshot.png
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.jpg', 'fanart.jpg', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'GoldenEye 007.v64', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "GoldenEye 007" at path "smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/screenshot.png". Make sure that file names are matching.
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: fanart
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypefanart
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypefanart : 'Filetypefanart'
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/fanart.png
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/fanart.png
14:42:03.761 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/fanart.png
14:42:03.762 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.762 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: fanart.png
14:42:03.776 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.776 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.jpg', 'fanart.jpg', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'GoldenEye 007.v64', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: No files found for game "GoldenEye 007" at path "smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/fanart.png". Make sure that file names are matching.
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: FileType: boxback
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Get thumb from online source
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: using key: Filetypeboxback
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: Error while resolving item: Filetypeboxback : 'Filetypeboxback'
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolve path: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/%GAME%/back.jpg
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: resolved path from rom file name: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/back.jpg
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin getFilesByWildcard. pathName = smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/back.jpg
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: dirname: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.777 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: filemask: back.jpg
14:42:03.787 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs dirs: ['extrafanart', 'extrathumbs']
14:42:03.787 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: xbmcvfs files: ['banner.jpg', 'fanart.jpg', 'logo.png', 'back.jpg', 'screenshot.jpg', 'GoldenEye 007.v64', 'poster.jpg', 'game.xml']
14:42:03.792 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Game does not exist in database. Insert game: GoldenEye 007
14:42:03.793 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
14:42:03.793 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 6
14:42:03.794 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: File does not exist in database. Insert file: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/GoldenEye 007.v64
14:42:03.794 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Importing files: {<config.FileType instance at 0x10B20A08>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x10B20990>: [], <config.FileType instance at 0x10B208A0>: [u'smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/back.jpg'], <config.FileType instance at 0x10B207D8>: []}
14:42:03.794 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parent game
14:42:03.794 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Insert file with parentid: 6
14:42:03.794 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: File does not exist in database. Insert file: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/back.jpg
14:42:03.895 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Update finished
14:42:03.905 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin cacheItems
14:42:03.907 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End cacheItems
14:42:03.907 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin updateControls
14:42:03.907 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showConsoles
14:42:03.907 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 500
14:42:03.919 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showConsoles
14:42:03.919 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showGenre
14:42:03.919 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
14:42:03.925 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 600
14:42:03.936 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showGenre
14:42:03.936 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showYear
14:42:03.936 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
14:42:03.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 700
14:42:03.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showYear
14:42:03.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showPublisher
14:42:03.937 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
14:42:03.944 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 800
14:42:03.953 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showPublisher
14:42:03.953 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showCharacterFilter
14:42:03.959 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showCharacterFilter
14:42:03.959 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End updateControls
14:42:03.959 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin loadViewState
14:42:03.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showConsoles
14:42:03.960 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 500
14:42:03.970 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showConsoles
14:42:04.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showGenre
14:42:04.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
14:42:04.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 600
14:42:04.086 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showGenre
14:42:04.142 T:7700 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
14:42:04.201 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showYear
14:42:04.201 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
14:42:04.202 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 700
14:42:04.202 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showYear
14:42:04.349 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showPublisher
14:42:04.349 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Selected Console: 0
14:42:04.349 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: begin showFilterControl: 800
14:42:04.349 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showPublisher
14:42:04.467 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showCharacterFilter
14:42:04.469 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showCharacterFilter
14:42:04.602 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showGames
14:42:04.602 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: helper.buildLikeStatement
14:42:04.607 T:7888 DEBUG: showGames: load games from db in 5 ms
14:42:04.620 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: showGames: load 2 games to list in 13 ms
14:42:04.620 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showGames
14:42:04.734 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: Begin showGameInfo
14:42:04.851 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End showGameInfo
14:42:04.851 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End loadViewState
14:42:04.851 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: End updateDB
14:42:04.851 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: onAction: ACTION_CONTEXT
14:42:06.172 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_INFO: onAction: 107
14:42:09.722 T:7700 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 57 times.
14:42:09.722 T:7700 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
14:42:09.723 T:7700 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Windows\explorer.exe
14:42:13.285 T:7700 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - malte - 2018-01-29
You can use "poster.*" or "back.*" as well. This should solve the naming issues.
When you rescrape games make sure that you enable "Rescrape already imported games" in Addon settings. Otherwise it will just do nothing.
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - gotham2014 - 2018-01-29
that worked great with the import.
The genre, year, publisher and developer are not shown, however the xml has the data. Anything I need to change anywhere?
Code: <Item>
<Added>1/14/2018 5:58:39 PM</Added>
<Overview>K. Rool has kidnapped the Kongs! Can Donkey Kong rescue his friends, reclaim the Golden Bananas and save his homeland from certain doom? Take out some Kremlings with Chunky's Pineapple Launcher or Lanky's Trombone. Float through the air using Tiny's Ponytail Twirl. Even rocket to the sky with Diddy's Jetbarrel!</Overview>
<LocalTitle>Donkey Kong 64</LocalTitle>
<GameSystem>Nintendo 64</GameSystem>
ps. the game loaded well in retroarch when enabling local copy. However, I cant find in the wiki how this helped?
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - malte - 2018-01-29
In your log I see this message:
Code: 14:42:03.655 T:7888 DEBUG: RCB_WARNING: description file for game GoldenEye 007 could not be found. Check if this path exists: smb://xxx/media/GAMES/N64/GoldenEye 007/game.xml
So I guess it shows no info at all? Check if the file exists at this path. If it does, it may be a bug in RCB. There have been several issues with reading and writing files at smb paths and I thought i got them all but it might be missing some more.
To get around this you should connect your smb path as a network drive and use the drive letter in Kodi/RCB. Or wait until I have fixed the bug but this might take some time.
Quote:ps. the game loaded well in retroarch when enabling local copy. However, I cant find in the wiki how this helped?
Yes, some options are hidden in the wiki. Still need to update the FAQ and some other topics.
RE: [RELEASE] Rom Collection Browser - Browse and launch emulator game ROMs - gotham2014 - 2018-01-29
If I go into explorer and type in the same path: \\xxx\media\GAMES\N64\Donkey Kong 64\game.xml
it opens the xml file in IE without any problems. There is however a notification on the top of the page telling"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."
Might this be the cause of the problem, no style information associated?
secondly, I tried using drive letters before in kodi, however that gave other problems.
Do you have a properly formatted xml file that works for you. I might substitute it and see if its related to xml or RCB.