2010-03-17, 21:53
Current stable version (Kodi Krypton & Leia): 2.2.4
Matrix compatible version: Matrix branch
Current development version (Matrix only): Current Git version
Project homepage (Github)
XBMCNerds thread (german forum)
Support thread for RetroPlayer integration
Note: If you want to use solo mode you have to install the RCB service addon. It should be installed automatically with RCB, otherwise you'll find it in the category "Services" of the Kodi repo.
Since release 2.2.0 there is a supplement addon called "Rom Collection Browser widget". This can be used to get your games on Kodis home screen. More info how to install and configure the widget can be found here.
Game Import / Scraping
- scan your rom folders and import games to local database
- scrape artwork and game info from various online sources
- import local available data (descriptions, artwork, videos)
- results from all different scrape processes can be mixed together
- supports background scraping
- two scraping modes: "Automatic: Accurate" and "Interactive: Select Matches"
- create local nfo files while scraping (option to reimport local files without scraping online)
- create scrape result files (missing artwork, missing descriptions, possible mismatches)
- import options dialog: select Rom Collection and scraper on every game import
Game Browsing
- filter games by console, genre, year, publisher and first character
- automatic video playback in video window
- game details page
- select RCB skin independent of your Kodi default skin
- available skins: Estuary, Confluence, Night, Simplicity
- mark games as favorites
- search games by name (or part of the name)
- configurable image placing (choose filetype for background, gamelist, etc.)
- fully skinnable UI: already skinned for Confluence, Night and Carmichael (other skins will use the Confluence look and feel)
- dedicated MAME views to display cabinets and marquees
Game Launching
- launch roms and standalone games in solo or non-solo mode (solo mode quits XBMC and relaunches it when you quit the emulator)
- supports direct launching of savestate files
- detect games in zip and 7z archives and ask user which game to load
- support loading multiple roms at once (e.g. with uae)
- store game launch count in db
- restore viewstate when returning to RCB
RCB scrapes data from these sites (don't forget to visit, register and contribute!):
- http://thegamesdb.net - game data + artwork (boxfront, boxback, fanart)
- http://www.giantbomb.com - game data + artwork (screenshot)
- http://www.mobygames.com - game data + artwork (screenshot, boxfront, boxback, cartridge)
- http://emumovies.com (check the wiki to learn how to add videos to your Rom Collection)
Screenshot Gallery
If you have any problems running this script please report your error here including a Kodi log file.
Have fun with it!
Donations for this addon gratefully accepted.