Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers
Not sure if this is something documented elsewhere, I had no luck when I tried searching the issue.  I have a rather large music video collection which I have mostly manually built using Mediaelch to edit together NFO files for and attach album covers to the music videos.  As far as I can tell everything is correct after being edited together but I am seeing many videos do not have an album cover image or sometimes any image when hitting the information button on my remote.  As I spent a lot of time hunting down singles images to get these attached to the music videos it is frustrating to see nothing or a random thumbnail in place of those singles images.

Can anyone please advise regarding this?  Thank you very much!
Would be useful if you at least supplied an example of an NFO and the directory structure you are using and maybe throw in a Debug Log while you're at it. Probably the best way to get definitive answers.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.
Also need to know what skin you are using.

scott s.
Ah sorry, I didn't really think you could see anything on this in the log but here you go.  I am running the Quartz theme but also occasionally use Bingie Mod but I noticed this happening in both of them.  At least I did in the past but I just switched themes and cycled through a bunch of music videos in my playlist and I do not see this happening in Bingie any more.  I apologize, this is starting to look more and more like a skin issue and less of a Kodi issue..I'm sorry for wasting people's time.  I'll close this thread and make a post in the Quartz skin thread.

EDITE: Here is a link to the post I made in the Quartz skin thread for the Matrix release.  I included two different NFO files and screenshots so that the naming sequence can be confirmed to be correct.

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Music videos showing thumbnails (or nothing) instead of album covers0