[Web Interface Addon] iRemote for XBMC - simple Web (HTTP) remote for mobile devices
wiero Wrote:Is it possible to change touch sensitivity in gesture mode?

It's way to fast for me to be comfortable

You can modify the code from the file "iremote.js", line 246, 280 and 286 (see https://github.com/Ishiro/iRemote-for-XB...iremote.js).

Line 246: element.gesture._threshold : if the 'gesture size' is bigger than this threshold (in pixel), the action will be triggered.

Line 280, 286: I assume this is what you want to tweak. On these lines: after 100ms (last parameter), the action will be repeated to "auto-scroll". Just increase this value (to 200 or 300, for example) to get slower scrolling.

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[Web Interface Addon] iRemote for XBMC - simple Web (HTTP) remote for mobile devices0