(2019-11-29, 00:12)grendizer Wrote: Today I installed Kodi 18.5 and when I started it, I saw kind of an update message reading "Colecovision". I didn't have time to read it fully. So is there something new on the Colecovision front?
So I finally got it working, but not with Kodi's native solution. I use this tutorial :
https://www.reddit.com/r/Addons4Kodi/com...urce=share , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aONik9eI...e=youtu.be
It's a pity it doesn't work directly from Kodi. But it works!
Here's a summary of what I did:
I use Kodi on Windows 10 with a Xbox1 controller.
- Put some Coleco games on your hard drive for testing, (but later we will use IAGL to browse games from Kodi).
- Install Retroarch
- For Colecovision : The libretro port of blueMSX requires the BIOS files from full standalone package inside the ‘System\Machines’ directory , and media database files into ‘System\Databases’. These 2 folders are available in the BlueMSX install files
http://bluemsx.msxblue.com . You need to copy these 2 folders "Machines" et "Databases" to : RetroArch\system\ . Then, inside RetroArch\system\Machines, you can keep only the folder COL - ColecoVision.
- Starting RetroArch : On the first run you will be greeted by a screen and From here you can launch content, change settings and build up your content collection.
- Gamepad Controls : On Xbox1 Controller, the "toggle menu" one can access while playing a agame, is on the round button with the Xbox logo , not the “guide” button.
* Colecovision : ColecoVision Gamepad Mapping is as follow:|Button 1 as Retropad A|Button 2 as Retropad B|Dial keys 1 to 8 as X, Y, R, L, R2, L2, R3, L3|Star as Select, Hash as Start|0 & 9 are on keyboard 1 & 2 for Player 1|0 & 9 are on keyboard 3 & 4 for Player 2.
- Installing Cores : RetroArch requires cores to run any content. You can download cores directly from RetroArch's interface by following this procedure:
* Navigate to Online Updater
* Navigate to Select Core Updater
* Select the core you want to download
* The Core to install for Colecovision is BlueMSX
- Running Content : After you have installed one or more cores you can run your content following this procedure:
* Navigate to Load Content
* Browse to the folder that contains the content you want to run
* Select the content that you want to run
* Open a Coleco game and check if it works.
- Create account on archive.org
- Download the Internet Archive Games Launcher from here
https://github.com/zach-morris/repositor...achmorris/ > take the zip file
- Start Kodi
- Navigate to Settings --- Addons --- Install from zip file
- Select external storage
- Select the Downloader folder (or wherever you downloaded the zip file from)
- Select the zach morris repo zip file
- Click on Install from repository
- Choose the Zach Morris Addons
- Go to Game addons
- Go to Game providers
- Install Internet Archive Game Launcher
- Click on configure and
- you can set the size of cache (by default no games are stored and are only downloaded as and when you want to play them). For Coleco I chose 300Mb.
- In Kodi, launch the IAGL addon and Click on configure
- Select External Launchers and set your system to "Windows"
- Select Setup Wizard and change the "Built in Retro Player" to External.
- Start the Execute Setup Wizard and select Yes for "Do you have RetroArch installed"
- Locate the RetroArch system folder (which has retroarch.exe) and config file (should be auto populated). The 2 paths are : C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch and C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\RetroArch\system
- Say "Yes" for "Do you have an archive.org account" and enter login and password. You can change this login later in addon settings > tab "general".
- If Retroarch is running, close it
- In Kodi , Open the Internet Archive Game Launcher addon
- Browse games : You can now browse by category / all lists. Any game you choose, will automatically be downloaded and injected in to RetroArch.
Thanks Zach and u/TechDoctorUK for that