howto make kodi to recognize videos
I continue to find more situation wherein Kodi is simply ignoring the tv folders which have videos.  I don't know how to get kodi to recognize them or what is wrong with them.  I check them with sonarr and there is no problem there. 

Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
I need you to answer the questions in my previous post, so I know what step to take next.
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How would you rebuild your tv shows?  I can't even get kodi to see some of the existing shows that I have.  Its kinda interesting.  There are several Files in the source files (from Videos) which are simply ignored by Kodi.  One of those is, now, "Hitmen".  I have tried to do the update based on "information" and "refresh".  It seems to run through everything but nothing is fixed.  Its a shame there isn't an option to simply reset a specific show as if its brand new.  There is also the ongoing problem of not being able to display certain episodes with Kodi whilst smplayer and VLC have no problems at all.
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

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