howto make kodi to recognize videos
I have a problem with kodi tv shows.  I have some where it says there is only one video for a show when there are 6 (there are differences but I have several where the shows are there and are ignored or where the shows are not there and kodi thinks they are).  I can't seem to figure out how to force kodi do it right. 

updating doesn't fix this (is there a setting someplace?) 

Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
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Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
(2023-02-15, 19:58)jwhitt12 Wrote: Thoughts?

Yes, provide a debug log (wiki) of you trying to scrape these shows.  Otherwise, no-one can help you.

Learning Linux the hard way !!
Thank you for the reply.

I left off the logfile because I thought somebody might have a ready answer for this one.

Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Have you set your sources up correctly?

This looks wrong to me 2023-02-15 10:20:27.213 T:224574 debug <general>: VideoInfoScanner: Skipping dir '/media/greg/data/TV/' due to no change
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Thank you for the reply!

discs:  "Ext4 (version 1.0) — Mounted at /media/greg/data" is the drive that holds TV (for tv stuff) and Movies (for movies) Those are where my TV and Movies folders are which hold downloads.   I am not sure what else I can say about this other than these sources work.

To force kodi to redo one can get to the information stuff, goto the lower right side and press "refresh" This seems to do the trick.  I suspect there is something else which will refresh ALL items held in the source chosen.  (didn't have the guts to try and mess with that one).
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
So, I decided to refresh a show called 'hitmen'  Hitmen has a total of 12 shows (two seasons of 6).  When Kodi 'refresh' was done with Hitman Kodi thought it had 147 shows in it - NOT the real 12.  This being the case I don't think I will be using 'refresh' again real soon.

So, I still need some way to force Kodi to go to the source file, see what and how many shows there are and then make sure that Kodi makes sure that it agrees with the reality of just what shows are available.  Right now playing the show with Kodi is no longer possible.

Here is a log of this:
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
(2023-02-16, 19:12)jwhitt12 Wrote: When Kodi 'refresh' was done with Hitman Kodi thought it had 147 shows in it - NOT the real 12
Do you have the Debug Log for that.
Your last log was not really helpful as nothing was scraped.
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I turned Kodi debug on.  Then I turned off Kodi and then turned it back on.  I then, with Kodi, went to TV, then went to Hitmen and l right clicked on that, got a list if what to do and choose to see the information.  Then I clicked on refresh.  I then went to "kodi." at home and then went to 'refresh" and click on it.  When it was through refreshing I turned Kodi off and went to /greg/home/Kodi./temp/ and opened the current logfile.  I then copied the logfile and then pasted it into which I sent to you.  I have no idea what else I can do.

I then moved 'hitman' off the source file and then turned on Kodi and deleted 'hitmen' (didn't tell it to not let it be installed again) and turned off Kodi.  I then turned it back on and check for Hitmen.  No Hitmen.  It should have been there as I update the library every time it starts.
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
(2023-02-17, 01:36)jwhitt12 Wrote: into which I sent to you
That is an empty paste.
I need the URL after you paste the log and press save.
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!  I sent to you!  I just checked.  It had/has the logfile (9553 lines). I think you told me its blank - its not..............
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
(2023-02-17, 22:54)jwhitt12 Wrote: I think you told me its blank - its not..............
Click on the link you gave me. Its blank

(2023-02-17, 22:54)jwhitt12 Wrote: I sent to you!
You have now. How did you send it before? Where?

Anyway, there is something weird going on in your log.
Can you please provide screenshots of the folder for Hitmen so I can see ALL the files and their extensions in the screenshot. If you have season folders, I need to see inside those as well. Thanks

In the following path, which folder did you set as the Source in Kodi...
/media/greg/data/TV/Tulsa King/Tulsa King - S01E09 - Happy Trails WEBRip-1080p.mkv
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In your Set Content screen for your TV Show Source, I think you have enabled the setting "This folder contains a single tv show". Can you disable it.
Image 9b...

If that is what happened, ignore my previous request and try running the scraping again.
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Its in the reply I sent on 2023-02-16, 09:12   I think what happened is that I sent another where I said I would send the log to the kodi address for logs - if that's it - apologies!
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
First you asked me to:
In the following path, which folder did you set as the Source in Kodi...
/media/greg/data/TV/Tulsa King/Tulsa King - S01E09 - Happy Trails WEBRip-1080p.mkv
I didn't do this one.

Then you said to do this:
in your Set Content screen for your TV Show Source, I think you have enabled the setting "This folder contains a single tv show". Can you disable it.
Image 9b...

I have done this one.

My 'hitman' file remains in the source file but is not accessed by Kodi. 

All  TV sources are in: /media/greg/data/TV
All Movie sources are in: /media/greg/data/Movies

If that is what happened, ignore my previous request and try running the scraping again.

I am not sure what to do next and I have been doing a bunch of other stuff.  If you want another logfile I can do that.  Just let me know.
Processor:                     AMD FX(tn)-4300 Quad-Core Processor
Memory:                        15307MB (4282MB used)
Operating System:        Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
(2023-02-19, 00:42)jwhitt12 Wrote: in your Set Content screen for your TV Show Source, I think you have enabled the setting "This folder contains a single tv show". Can you disable it.
Image 9b...

I have done this one.
Are you saying that the setting was enabled, and now you have disabled it?
There is a chance that this has corrupted your library by mixing episodes from different tv shows into other tv shows.
So if it is now disabled, the best thing for you to do is rebuild your tv show library.
If you think there is no corruption, then try scraping again and see if all your episodes for Hitmen are scraped.
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