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[RELEASE] Hyper Launcher - A ROM launcher using HyperSpin assets
(2016-06-18, 01:10)LupinSansei Wrote: I thought so, I did that but I get this error for all systems.


Any news on this issue?
Asrock Rog Z390-H | Intel i9 9900K | Windows 10 Pro x64 | Pop!_OS 20.10 |Nvidia Shield TV Pro (2019)
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Hello teeedubb,

This looks amazing, thank you and all those involved for a great ROM launcher and all the time spent.

I'm trying this out on a VM before I push to my 'production' Kodi that the family uses and thought I'd make a small donation of sorts if you don't mind. Here's the jist.

I admit, I had great difficulty in figuring out what to do with what, and how to do it where, there really is no step by step direction to get this going when you're someone who hasn't ever touched Hyper* anything Undecided , that is not a knock on you or anyone involved in the line of Hyper* products, I'm sure you get what I'm saying.

So...I put together a quick .doc file that goes step by step from a fresh Kodi install to playing a rom in about 10 easy to follow steps (including pictures!,..i love pics). This walkthrough is VERY basic because I spent to much time reading over and over and not understanding what I needed to have, where to have it, and what to have in it! And I'm not the only one judging by the Youtube comments.

I'm sure this doc can only help. I'm even preparing a second stage document of configuration for the very novice users who want to have what they see in your video.

Again, thank you for bringing this to Kodi, I greatly appreciate it and enjoy using it!
(2016-07-04, 00:45)HygSuperSlayer Wrote: Hello teeedubb,

So...I put together a quick .doc file that goes step by step from a fresh Kodi install to playing a rom in about 10 easy to follow steps (including pictures!,..i love pics). This walkthrough is VERY basic because I spent to much time reading over and over and not understanding what I needed to have, where to have it, and what to have in it! And I'm not the only one judging by the Youtube comments.

Hi HygSuperSlayer, where can i get your doc? because i really want this addon but i really have no idea how to do so..
Hello I see your video on Youtuber and was passionate about the service you ta doing so has a problem'm not managing to install you could record a video in youtuber teaching how to be installed I'm Brazilian not understand almost no English but be I see the video I already understand well but easy being you can record a tutorial video making for you taria saving the world as I found really cool his work hopefully you finish it already that so far the best I see and its so do not forget a thing tries to make a Brazilian EN version loves to play XD
Not sure if a video would make it easier to install, but here is the directory structure within the plugin.hyper.launcher folder inside my Kodi userdata (wiki)\addon_data folder

Let me know if this helps, if so I'll add it to the first post.
(2016-08-06, 15:16)teeedubb Wrote: Not sure if a video would make it easier to install, but here is the directory structure within the plugin.hyper.launcher folder inside my Kodi userdata (wiki)\addon_data folder

Let me know if this helps, if so I'll add it to the first post.

I went to download and it appeared `` Plain form not available for deep linking.``
(2016-08-06, 15:16)teeedubb Wrote: Not sure if a video would make it easier to install, but here is the directory structure within the plugin.hyper.launcher folder inside my Kodi userdata (wiki)\addon_data folder

Let me know if this helps, if so I'll add it to the first post.

Extremely helpful. Examples are absolutely the best! I have my stuff sym-linked to a folder in Dropbox so I never lose this config since it took so long to get right.
First off, I have long wanted a "seamless" media/gaming interface and this looks to be a big step in the right direction, so i must give major props as it looks awesome. I seem to be having trouble getting the addon to run after my initial setup and configuration for the NES system.

18:42:40 T:9048   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.NameError'>
                                            Error Contents: name 'system_artwork_path' is not defined
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.hyper.launcher\", line 369, in <module>
                                                if not os.path.exists(system_artwork_path):
                                            NameError: name 'system_artwork_path' is not defined
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
18:42:40 T:6192   ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.hyper.launcher/
18:42:40 T:6192   ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.hyper.launcher/) failed

I have put artwork in:
C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.hyper.launcher\systems_artwork\Nintendo Entertainment System

Nintendo Entertainment System-fanart.png
Nintendo Entertainment System-icon.png
Nintendo Entertainment System-logo.png
Nintendo Entertainment System-poster.png
Nintendo Entertainment System-trailer.mp4

Also, various systems artwork have been "autopopulated" here which i believe may have been downloaded from "service.hyper.launcher":

any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, just wondering if anyone has a sample launcher file for using Retroarch directly with Hyper Launcher in Windows? I tried to muddle my way through it but I can't seem to get it to work. I can get the game list to show up and the artwork, but I can't launch any games because I am not smart enough to figure out how to make the launcher.

Sigwood and tape.era - I'm over seas right now and all I have is a phone. I'll be home in a week and be able to give a proper reply.
Okay, thanks.
Tape.era do you have the option "Create system artwork folders and move artwork" enabled? If so disable it and see if the problem persists (if it does please post a full debug log file).

Sigwood try this. (I havent had a chance to test it and Im not overly familiar with batch scripting)
REM %1 = system name , %2 = game name , %3 = full rom path (folder + file name + extension) , %4 = file name only , %5 = file extension


taskkill /im Kodi.exe
timeout /t 1 && tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Kodi.exe" | find /i "Kodi.exe" >nul && (taskkill /f /im Kodi.exe)

IF %1=="Sony Playstation" (
set  RETROARCH_CORE="c:\path\to\retroarch\core\to\use\for\"
) ELSE (
IF %1=="Super Nintendo Entertainment System" (
set  RETROARCH_CORE="c:\path\to\retroarch\core\to\use\for\"

"c:\path\to\retroarch.exe" -L %RETROARCH_CORE% %3

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\Kodi.exe"

Youll need to configure the paths in the script and add additional else if statements for additional systems.

You can also just create one retroarch launcher for each system.
Thanks very much for the help.
Is there a way to add a visible button to the artwork/media/manual etc instead of using the context menu? I end up forgetting all that interesting stuff is there since there is no direct button in the view. Just an idea. Love this plugin
I know I asked before but did you ever figure out a way to get game info to display?
Asrock Rog Z390-H | Intel i9 9900K | Windows 10 Pro x64 | Pop!_OS 20.10 |Nvidia Shield TV Pro (2019)
EVGA Hybrid FTW GTX 1070 | Corsair 16GB DDR4
Samsung 500GB SSD | 500GB Nvme SSD |500GB WD Black Nvme SSD |6TB HDD
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[RELEASE] Hyper Launcher - A ROM launcher using HyperSpin assets4