Dosbox is a it different to other emulator, in that each game is in a sub directory, so you need a dosbox config file for each game. These .conf files will act as your "roms" and the games will be in a subdirectory of the rom folder.
Example dosbox conf file (called "Commander Keen.conf"):
mount c c:\roms
cd ckeen1
Launcher to use with HL (dosbox.bat)
REM %1 = system name , %2 = game name , %3 = full rom path (folder + file name + extension) , %4 = file name only , %5 = file extension
taskkill /im Kodi.exe
timeout /t 1 && tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Kodi.exe" | find /i "Kodi.exe" >nul && (taskkill /f /im Kodi.exe)
c:\dosbox\dosbox.exe -conf %3
REM use the following instead for retroarch
REM c:\retroarch\retroarch -L c:\path\to\ %3
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\Kodi.exe"
You'll need to edit the paths to suit your system.
EDIT Its possible to not use a config file and pass the autoexec commands to the dosbox executable, but its currently not possible without editing the addon as it currently checks for the rom file in the rom dir before launching a emulator. I'll add a option to disable rom checking on a per system basis to the addon. You'll need to configure the system xml in the same fashion as mame, game name is the directory/filename (with no extension, dir and filename would have to be the same) and the description tag would be the actual game name.
EDIT2 seems that exodos is the way to launch dos games via a front end... time to grab a collection and try it out.