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[RELEASE] Hyper Launcher - A ROM launcher using HyperSpin assets
(2016-09-27, 23:17)mechevarria Wrote: Is there a way to add a visible button to the artwork/media/manual etc instead of using the context menu? I end up forgetting all that interesting stuff is there since there is no direct button in the view. Just an idea. Love this plugin
Currently, no. The addon searches for and generates the artwork list only when requested to do so via the context menu, not when it generates a list of games. A info label or such would be a handy reminder.

(2016-09-28, 22:13)LupinSansei Wrote: I know I asked before but did you ever figure out a way to get game info to display?

Nah I havent looked into it, I dont have much free time these days. It is on my to do list, though Smile
I've been wanting to try Hyper Launcher for a while. I used to use Hyperspin quite a bit. But it was a little to intense for my HTPC. I am guessing this is not the case in KODI. I made a test view similar to Hyperspin wheel themes for my games link on the home screen to see if my system could handle it using background ,animated gifs,
video and a sort of bezel png seemed fine. Soon I will Give Hyper Launcher a go. Would be great if HyperTheme could be of use.

one of three characters in back that move left to right Ryu bouncing
Sub Menu showing
Thats cool. Was it hard to mod the skin to display the custom submenu?
It's part of my skin I just animate things to move up and to the right to accommodate game animations
submenu focused
the original coding can't remember probably caused a grey hair or two.
Can someone please help me with launcher script for MS-DOS games using DOSBox?
What OS and what dosbox are you using (retroarch or standalone)?
Thanks for reply. I'm using Windows 10 and standalone DOSBox. Would it be easier to use Retroarch?
Dosbox is a it different to other emulator, in that each game is in a sub directory, so you need a dosbox config file for each game. These .conf files will act as your "roms" and the games will be in a subdirectory of the rom folder.

Example dosbox conf file (called "Commander Keen.conf"):
mount c c:\roms
cd ckeen1

Launcher to use with HL (dosbox.bat)
REM %1 = system name , %2 = game name , %3 = full rom path (folder + file name + extension) , %4 = file name only , %5 = file extension


taskkill /im Kodi.exe
timeout /t 1 && tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq Kodi.exe" | find /i "Kodi.exe" >nul && (taskkill /f /im Kodi.exe)

c:\dosbox\dosbox.exe -conf %3

REM use the following instead for retroarch
REM c:\retroarch\retroarch -L c:\path\to\ %3

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\Kodi.exe"

You'll need to edit the paths to suit your system.

EDIT Its possible to not use a config file and pass the autoexec commands to the dosbox executable, but its currently not possible without editing the addon as it currently checks for the rom file in the rom dir before launching a emulator. I'll add a option to disable rom checking on a per system basis to the addon. You'll need to configure the system xml in the same fashion as mame, game name is the directory/filename (with no extension, dir and filename would have to be the same) and the description tag would be the actual game name.

EDIT2 seems that exodos is the way to launch dos games via a front end... time to grab a collection and try it out.
Thank you very much for your help!

Couldn't get it working at first and realised filenames were too long and need to be in 8.3 filename format. I wonder if there is any way around this with out renaming all folders?
Not sure, I'm not tht familiar with dosbox
When exiting a game and returning to KODI I get a window with 2 boxes in it, is there a way to skip this?

watch gallery
That is a Kodi/AN5 thing as the same used to happen with Advanced launcher. I've never looked into it by trying with other skins or looking at the code though.

On a side note, since I see you're using AN5, I've been chipping away at a modified AN5 to better display all the info and graphics that are available via the addon. Currently it has one additional view (LowList-HL) which displays the description, genre and studio/publisher, rating and player logos, plus it will fade to full screen video after 10 seconds if being idle. The info screen has also been modified to display more info, the topbar removed and a heap of other changes. I have tried to ensure the additions don't have a effect of regular video views but this hasn't been heavily tested as I two separate kodi installs, one focused on gaming and the other on media.

I plan on modifying the logo view, but I'm still thinking about what info to present.

It can be installed alongside AN5 and you can keep your AN5 settings by copying the settings xml from the AN5 dir to the AN-HL directory. Currently you need to compile the studio logos and replace the textures.xbt file in the addon, but that will change soon.

If you're interested in trying the skin can be found here
A compiles Textures.xbt


Thanks for your reply. I thought it might be something to do with the KODI/skin.

Aeon Nox will always be my favourite skin! I will definitely give your modified skin a try as well!

I use logo view for everything including movies and TV series - in my opinion is best default view option and always looks great.

I'm actually surprised there aren't more people interested in using Hyper Launcher - it works so well and is great that it works so well within KODI. I have tried many front ends but still think this is the best on HTPC and not having to use advanced launcher for other front ends.

I did ask this question before but not sure if it's possible - can videos (trailer) start immediately as soon as system is highlighted? At the moment there is a minimum delay of 1 second. I've been using Jame Baker's cinematic videos and they look great with logo view when going through the different platforms.
Thanks. I think it might be possible to start the background videos with out delay via the skin. I'll see if it's possible.
(2016-12-11, 01:46)teeedubb Wrote: Thanks. I think it might be possible to start the background videos with out delay via the skin. I'll see if it's possible.

Thanks that would be greatSmile

Still trying to get studio icons to show up... Do you still have to recompile Textures.xbt or can they be added to directory addons/skin.aeon.nox.5/media/flags/studios (read in Aeon Nox forum)?

If you do still need to recompile is it the Textures.xbt found in resource.images.studios.white or skin.aeon.nox.5?

edit:- I got it working by placing your Textures.xbt in resource.images.studios.white/resources, but does Texture.xbt still need to be recompiled whenever I want to add icons? I tried them placing new one's here addons/skin.aeon.nox.5/media/flags/studios but they don't show up.
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[RELEASE] Hyper Launcher - A ROM launcher using HyperSpin assets4