2016-02-26, 01:05
Hi Glenn,
first, thanks for the great work!!
The tool works very good and smooth with Kodi (in my case 15.2) and Emby Server.
So, the only thing is, it´s (or in future will be) possible to conect the FrontView+ automaticly to the Kodi or Emby?
The problem is, I use Emby and Mediacenter 8.1 to show my TV-Recordings. For watching movies I use Kodi. (24Hz autoswitch etc).
Is the FrontView+ connected to Emby Server, so i have first to disconnect from Emby and after them connect with Kodi manualy.
The second question, can the FrontView+ grab the Information direct from WMC? F.E. if I watch LiveTV to see the TV Channel Logo and EPG data?
iMON´s FronView do´s, but it looks bad if I have both, FrontView and FrontView+ running on one and the same screen.
If this wil work, the FrontView+ wil be the best and ultimate SecondScreen Tool for Mediacenters!
first, thanks for the great work!!
The tool works very good and smooth with Kodi (in my case 15.2) and Emby Server.
So, the only thing is, it´s (or in future will be) possible to conect the FrontView+ automaticly to the Kodi or Emby?
The problem is, I use Emby and Mediacenter 8.1 to show my TV-Recordings. For watching movies I use Kodi. (24Hz autoswitch etc).
Is the FrontView+ connected to Emby Server, so i have first to disconnect from Emby and after them connect with Kodi manualy.
The second question, can the FrontView+ grab the Information direct from WMC? F.E. if I watch LiveTV to see the TV Channel Logo and EPG data?
iMON´s FronView do´s, but it looks bad if I have both, FrontView and FrontView+ running on one and the same screen.
If this wil work, the FrontView+ wil be the best and ultimate SecondScreen Tool for Mediacenters!