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Win KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie
I have the same problem that ZADZAD and TRIHY have. LCDSmartie with Kodi4Smartie doesn't receive anything from Kodi running.
My system is Kodi 17.1, win 8.1, LCDSmartie 5.4 and Kodi4smartie 2.0.1.

I am using two basic setup lines:

I have tried the following test:
1. start LCDSmartie
2. start Kodi
3. start PuTTY using telnet on port 9090 - connection is ok
4. start playing a movie on Kodi.
PuTTY show some data on the screen, in this case i have started/stopped two movies. I paste here the data:


LCDSmartie shows always:
Kodi Media Center
date - time

I can do other tests if you want, in order to give my contribution to solve this problem.
Kodi must be running first before lcdsmartie is started. If lcd smartie starts first then i get just the same. (win 10 x64) If i start kodi first then once its loaded start smartie everything works ok apart from the time left (duration) bar If i start to play a stream or movie then load lcdsmartie then the time left (duration) bar works fine.

If you close kodi and re start it then you also need to close lcdsmartie and restart it once kodi is running.

I think the dev(s) of lcdsmartie gave up working / maintaining it a long time ago ( i might be wrong because i got it working ages ago and just left it as is)

Intel NUC win 10 x64
Kodi 17.1 rc1
4 line lcd connected by usb
Thank you,
I have tried right now what you suggested, the problem is the same. I started Kodi and after a while LCDSmartie. I started a movie in kodi but always the two lines with title and date-time were displayed.
What releases of LCDSmarties and Kodi4Smartie are you running?
Thanks for the updated plugin! Working again after a few tweaks: I also had the same problem as the others where Kodi had to be started BEFORE lcdsmartie.

To solve this, I set lcdsmartie to NOT start with Windows. Because this is my HTPC I want Kodi to start still, so I leave that one to start on boot. Then I used a program called Startup Delayer to launch lcdsmartie after 1 minute. This gives Kodi plenty of time to start before lcdsmartie does. You can get Startup Delayer (the standard version is free) from here: http://www.r2.com.au/page/products/downl...p-delayer/
How are you guys using this? Wanna see if anyone is doing something different then me that I would like.

I have a 2x20 display. Along with kodi4smartie plugin I also use the Bignum plugin since my display is larger it makes it easier to read things from my couch. Currently I have lcdsmartie set to use two "screens", in two different scenarios:

Screen 1:
Center display of current time, in 24hr mode. No AM/PM or anything else. Just HH:MM.

Screen 2:
Left align current time, a vertical line to separate, then the percentage complete of any currently playing media on kodi: HH:MM | XX

If nothing is detected playing in Kodi, then lcdsmartie displays screen 1. As soon as something is playing lcdsmartie displays screen 2. When media is playing, the percentage isn't very round (I think it also displays 7-8 decimal points) however since the current time and vertical divider takes up so much room there is only enough space for 2 more digits thereby effectively cutting off the remaining percentage points and mimicking rounding. I tried to get the math plugin working, so I could do proper rounding - but I only got errors when trying to use it.

This works great, as I can see the current time and an approximation of how far into the current item I'm watching.

It would be great to have been able to display the current time and time the media would end at, but there isn't enough room on the display if I use bignum, and if I don't use bignum then I can't read the information from my couch easily.

What is your setup?
Hi StarScream159,
can you please post the strings are you using, ie $dll(Kodi4smartie.... ) for your screens and the 'action' condition ?
What LCDSmartie and Kodi4smartie releases are you running ?
I have tried a lot of scenarios, I start Kodi manually and after 2-3 minutes LCDSmartie but it doesn't work.
Sure thing!

LCD Smartie:
Kodi: 17.1-RC1

My LCD Smartie setup is as follows:

Screen 1:
Line1: $dll(bignum,2,1#2,$Time(hh : nn))
Line2: $dll(bignum,2,2#2,$Time(hh : nn))
Both lines are set to center text, do not scroll.

Screen 2:
Line1: $dll(bignum,2,1#2,$Time(hh : nn)) | $dll(bignum,2,1#2,$dll(kodi4smartie,5,Player.GetProperties,percentage))
Line2: $dll(bignum,2,2#2,$Time(hh : nn)) | $dll(bignum,2,2#2,$dll(kodi4smartie,5,Player.GetProperties,percentage))
Both lines are set to do not scroll.

Within the settings of the app under Actions:
#1: ($dll(kodi4smartie,5,Player.GetProperties,speed)) is = to 0 then GotoScreen(1)
#2: ($dll(kodi4smartie,5,Player.GetProperties,speed)) is > to 0 then GotoScreen(2)
#3: ($dll(kodi4smartie,5,Player.GetProperties,percentage)) is = to _blank_ then GotoScreen(1)
I have Kodi 17.1 and LCDSmartie and Kodi4smartie 2.0.1 , exactly like you.
Unfortunately I cannot make it running , even if I start Kodi and after a while LCDsmartie. The LCD screen and LCDsmartie virtual screen show always the basic things, if I use the following strings:
I have win 8.1 , and you?
I am a little frustrated.
I have Win 10.

Did you check your kodi4smartie.cfg file in the plugin folder? And you've enabled all the remote control options in Kodi?
Part of my config.ini that i use .. 4x20 rgb led lcd (usb as a matrix display)

[Screen 03]
Text04="$dll(kodi4smartie,5,Player.GetProperties,time#minutes) mins / $dll(kodi4smartie,5,Player.GetProperties,totaltime#minutes) mins"

LCDsmartie.exe.config file contents (dunno if thus is still used in later versions Huh? )

<add key="XBMC4LCDSmartie.Host" value="localhost"/>
<add key="XBMC4LCDSmartie.Port" value="9090"/>
<add key="XBMC4LCDSmartie.XBMCTestMode" value="Proc"/>
<add key="XBMC4LCDSmartie.RefreshInt" value="300"/>
<add key="XBMC4LCDSmartie.ShowErrors" value="0"/>
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />
<loadFromRemoteSources enabled="true" />

Kodi4smartie.cfg file contents. from plugins folder
// kodi4smartie configuration file
// Lines beginning with // are ignored.

//logging, 1=enabled. All notifications are logged.
// create a new file each time
// host
// TCP port
// Character LCD width
// Use bars to show time left, if zero then show time as h/mm/ss
// Delay (in second) before returning to welcome screen after hitting stop.
// application to monitor for before connecting (case sensitive)
//number of seconds to wait before connect after detection of the kodiexe
//Format of the time/date. See http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/RTL.asp?Na...atDateTime
//time_format=mm/dd/yy hh:nn

//Strings. override these to localize
welcome=Kodi Media Center

// Modify title using regular expresions. Can declare multiple regular expression
// remove formating [color blue] etc
regex=\^\ (wiki)*\],

Files located in my plugins folder.


My current working version.
try uncomenting the
line in your cfg file.

Also what does the output of $dll(kodi4smartie,11,0,0) show. Should be 1
EDIT: Never mind, I have that too. Hm.... not sure what else could be the problem.

You didn't change the port that the service runs on in Kodi or anything? Is the port blocked in your firewall? Disable antivirus/firewall and try?
Many thanks to all.
I did a lot of tests and I understood there are some features that work and some that don't .
In example, the basic :
show always date and time , in spite of the instructions : ....Upon initial playing of a title Kodi4Smartie shows various lines of information.....
The setup of StarDcream159 works in my system, this is the methods Player.GetProperties, Player.GetItem work fine. The function $dll(kodi4smartie,11,0,0) that Jakester34 suggested shows 1 when Kodi runs. It is a little bit strange.
Obviously I have to start LCDSmartie after Kodi, when a movie is started the informations are detected on LCD . Unfortunately I got a new problem, when the movie is stopped LCDSmartie crashes. The problem is reported to be a BEX abend in ucrtbase.dll module version 10.0.10137.0 code c0000409.
Is this a known problem?
My smartie crashes whenever it wants. its just summit I put up with. but I have noticed it crashes more when playing a local file more than a remote stream.
I have lcdsmartie added to the Start list so its a case of hitting the windows key and clicking the big tile to start it up again. plus Its also located on a different drive and not my system drive.
I have a version that detects kodi better so that you can start kodi before or after LCD smartie. I need to do some more testing before it is ready.

Not yet sure what the cause of the crash is. Shouldnt be any different for local or remote. Turn on the debug in the config file and post your logs to see if it has anything that might give a clue. post your lcd smartie configs as well. I want to see your screen lines and the actions

$dll(Kodi4smartie,2,,) will show the date and time unless something is playing then it will show the
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KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie0