2015-04-07, 14:37
Kodi4Smartie is a DLL plugin for LCD Smartie(http://lcdsmartie.sourceforge.net/) which listens for notification from Kodi and displays information on a 2 line LCD character display. While the default line width is 20 character there is no reason it can't be configured for a short or longer width.
1) Download the zip file containing the Kodi4Smartie DLL and associated files.
2) Extract the files
3) Copy the kodi4smartie.dll and the kodi4smartie.cfg to the LCD Smartie plugins folder.
4) Copy the cpprest12025.dll to the LCD Smartie folder.
The DLL provides the following LCD Smartie functions:
Function 1: Is meant to be displayed on line 1 of an LCD display. It shows title information as well as other navigation information (FF, rew, Volume)
Function 2: Is meant to be displayed on line 2 of an LCD display. Upon initial playing of a title Kodi4Smartie shows various lines of information about the title. It then shows current progress in a title.
Function 3: Lets you know if Kodi is running. It can be used for custom actions inside LCD Smartie.
Function 4: Displays the current version of the Kodi4Smartie DLL. Not really useful unless you are unsure which version of the DLL you are running.
Configuring LCD Smartie
In the lcd Smartie setup window for line 1 & 2 enter the following:
Configure the following for both lines:
Enable "Don't scroll this line"
Disable "Continue on next line"
Disable "Center Text"
Kodi4Smartie listens for the following notifications from Kodi
When the dll receives notifications it will display different information based on which notification is received and which player you are using (movie, song, picture, tv).
While I have tried to make Kodi4Smartie somewhat configurable it is also based on what I wanted to see on each screen.
See the Kodi4Smartie.cfg file for information about configuring kodi4smartie.
Source Code
The source code is open source under GPLv3. We will gladly accept any modification as long as they fit into the project. Source code can be found at kodi4smartie.codeplex.com
I primarily use Kodi for viewing movies. While there is support for in the DLL for displaying information about TV, Music and Pictures I have done little testing in this area.
This project has no relation to the project known as xbmc4smartie. It is completely different code
Kodi4Smartie is a DLL plugin for LCD Smartie(http://lcdsmartie.sourceforge.net/) which listens for notification from Kodi and displays information on a 2 line LCD character display. While the default line width is 20 character there is no reason it can't be configured for a short or longer width.
1) Download the zip file containing the Kodi4Smartie DLL and associated files.
2) Extract the files
3) Copy the kodi4smartie.dll and the kodi4smartie.cfg to the LCD Smartie plugins folder.
4) Copy the cpprest12025.dll to the LCD Smartie folder.
The DLL provides the following LCD Smartie functions:
Function 1: Is meant to be displayed on line 1 of an LCD display. It shows title information as well as other navigation information (FF, rew, Volume)
Function 2: Is meant to be displayed on line 2 of an LCD display. Upon initial playing of a title Kodi4Smartie shows various lines of information about the title. It then shows current progress in a title.
Function 3: Lets you know if Kodi is running. It can be used for custom actions inside LCD Smartie.
Function 4: Displays the current version of the Kodi4Smartie DLL. Not really useful unless you are unsure which version of the DLL you are running.
Configuring LCD Smartie
In the lcd Smartie setup window for line 1 & 2 enter the following:
Configure the following for both lines:
Enable "Don't scroll this line"
Disable "Continue on next line"
Disable "Center Text"
Kodi4Smartie listens for the following notifications from Kodi
When the dll receives notifications it will display different information based on which notification is received and which player you are using (movie, song, picture, tv).
While I have tried to make Kodi4Smartie somewhat configurable it is also based on what I wanted to see on each screen.
See the Kodi4Smartie.cfg file for information about configuring kodi4smartie.
Source Code
The source code is open source under GPLv3. We will gladly accept any modification as long as they fit into the project. Source code can be found at kodi4smartie.codeplex.com
I primarily use Kodi for viewing movies. While there is support for in the DLL for displaying information about TV, Music and Pictures I have done little testing in this area.
This project has no relation to the project known as xbmc4smartie. It is completely different code