(2013-01-08, 02:12)Popeye Wrote: This https://github.com/TsUPeR/xbmc-pneumatic...lt.py#L150 is where the change should fit. Once ok'ed by SAB kick of a thread where the checker is running. It could even be possible to start streaming and the pause/warn if there is any issues..
That sounds like a plan
As I see it the external checker only looks at the completeness of the rar's as where sabnzbd the total net completeness of rar's+par's
For now, implementation of the threaded rar only checker looks to be the best option, although people should realise they have to sacrifice 1 NNTP thread for it.
- Make it a switchable option, when enable insert nntp server details. (ip:port:user:pass)
- Option: Check completeness of rar's
- Option: Only start play if 100% rar completeness
- Option: Start play, warn by pop up about completeness
- Pop up : continue or stop (In the case of continue, does sabnzbd repair if pars are available while streaming is already running? If you nntp connection is like mine ,fast enough, it doesn't really matter)
Something like that? Not a poke or feature request, just my idea of how it could be implemented.