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RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Nexus)
Quote:I'm getting ready to submit a PR to master. The PR will probably be 10K sloc (source lines of code). RetroPlayer is currently 16K sloc, so the PR will physically be ~60% of what is currently RetroPlayer. The PR will include most components. Save states (5K sloc) will not be included in the PR, and Game Info Tags (1.3K sloc) are toast (they didn't work anyways). In the future, the Game Info Tags component will be replaced by PyRomInfo (remember that side project from a few months ago?)
Ahh, that makes sense. In-game saving doesn't work either, right?
(2013-09-12, 22:46)garbear Wrote: Windows builds for RetroPlayer testers can be downloaded below. All builds can also be found here.

Bug season is open. Help document the bugs, quirks and missing/confusing features of RetroPlayer. Please post debug logs to http://xbmclogs.com or pastebin.com, be detailed in your bug report, and if possible post a link to a public domain ROM (see this thread) so I can try to reproduce. I would also like to know which emulators aren't working (with zipped or unzipped ROMs), and which don't support real-time rewind.

RetroPlayer 2013-09-13-3ac8fbb

* Fix freeze on game load

* Windows installer: XBMCSetup-20130913-3ac8fbb-retroplayer-pr.exe
* OpenELEC 3.1.7 Generic x86_64: KERNEL / SYSTEM / USB Installer
* OpenELEC 3.1.7 Intel x86_64: KERNEL / SYSTEM / USB Installer

RetroPlayer 2013-09-13-108d8a7

* Fixed crash on certain emulators loading (thanks Adam7288 for reporting steps to reproduce)
* Fixed rewind not working

* Windows installer: XBMCSetup-20130913-108d8a7-retroplayer-pr.exe
* Linux: Compile the retroplayer-pr branch (default now) from https://github.com/garbear/xbmc

RetroPlayer 2013-09-12-e670682

* Candidate for pull request
* OpenELEC 32-bit builds get correct 32-bit emulator repo

* Windows installer: XBMCSetup-20130912-e670682-retroplayer-pr.exe
* OpenELEC 3.1.7 ION i386: KERNEL / SYSTEM / USB Installer
* Linux: Compile the retroplayer-pr branch (default now) from https://github.com/garbear/xbmc


Until I document the RetroPlayer branch properly, here are some things you should know:
  • LINUX ONLY (Fixed in OpenELEC): Linux x86 ships with a repo for x64 emulators. You will need to browse to Add-on Manager -> Get Add-ons -> Libretro Emulators -> Add-on Repository -> Libretro Emulators (32-bit), install and restart XBMC. 32-bit emulators will then be available for download and just-in-time installation. To disable 64-bit emulators, delete xbmc_dir/addons/repository.libretro-linux/ and xbmc_user_dir/userdata/Database/Addons15.db at the same time.
  • Default controls: see keymap.xml
  • Quickstart guide: same as other media - add a source, hit enter on a ROM Smile

Downloading, version 3.2.0 of OpenElec is out BTW.

I will try this with my PS3 Bluetooth controller. Is it supposed to work out of the box ?
I am unable to install it, it nevers sees the SATA SSD. It might be a bug with OpenELEC 3.1.7 installer ...
(2013-09-15, 21:18)doucettom Wrote: I am unable to install it, it nevers sees the SATA SSD. It might be a bug with OpenELEC 3.1.7 installer ...

If you are already running a version of OpenELEC, take the contents of the "target" folder of the retroplayer download, and move them to the "Update" folder on your OpenELEC box, and simpy reboot.
I can't seem to get controllers working. I can navigate XBMC, but it will not control a game. I saw in the log that it was loading several keymaps. I went poking around that folder and my .xbmc/system folder was completely empty. So I extracted the contents of SYSTEM and copied the /system folder over and rebooted. Still nothing. I can load roms with no problems though, just can't play them.
the folder XBMC loads keymap xmls from is the /system directory of the folder xbmc.bin is located in, which is probably your source directory if you're compiling from source
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
I'm testing this out on Windows 8 x64. Got Nintendo working with bNES. But then I tried launching a sega genesis game with stella and it won't launch. I get the following error: Error opening Battletoads.bin

Here's my log: http://pastebin.com/jm2WKw1H

When you get to the point where you're ready to compile for OSX, I've got a machine I can do extensive testing with.
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(2013-09-15, 13:32)crajohns6965 Wrote: I'm able to play games now (yay!) but savestates don't seem to be created (I can rewind though). Nothing appears in .userdata/Savegames (directories do get created, though). I keep seeing this message in the debug log; not sure if related:

ERROR: LibretroEnvironment query ID=17: invalid query

crajohns6965, can you upload a debug log? this query should be valid
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Just tried out he windows build and wow, retroplayer is awesome! One controller mapping for all systems is a god send!!!

bsnes accuracy and atari 2600 + stella working well, but anything megadrive and gamegear both load to a blank screen with multiple roms. From what I've seen in the logs neither requires a bios file.

md: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6112797/

gg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6112820/
There is no option to use mednafen for gameboy* systems, which mednafen does support. I get stuttering audio with meteor gba + gba roms, that I dont get with external mednafen:

VirtualBoy roms *.vb are unable to find a emulator to install, mednafen supports *.vb : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6112888/

Game launching fails if no system directory is defined, launched fine after system directory is defined - sorry I didnt get a log, but I can if needed.

Also with a xbox360 controller rw/ff is finicky in that letting go of the triggers doesnt stop ff/rw, sometimes it will just go down from 32x to 8x etc. Is there anyway that the non-trigger buttons be used to stop ff/rw when ff/rw'ing?
OK, so here we go for a little feedback

I am unable to use ROM collection browsers because I can't find binaries of the Emulators to link them with RCB.

My PS3 Bluetooth controller is not working at all, I used to pair it using a tool but can't find it anymore. Anyone using a Bluetooth PS3 controller like me ?
Garbear - OK tried latest build. Was able to launch DKC and was quite responsive. Couple of notes at this point:

1. With the 360 USB controller, I still had that "auto repeat button" issue. Seems to only crop up when you are in the menu system for xbmc. For instance, after I set up the path to look for roms, it kept firing the A button repeatedly.

2. Screen ratios - seemed to default to 16:9 aspect ratio with black bars on top, even though my monitor is 4:3. The image was distorted, making everything seem wider. Not sure if there is a setting to change this, and of course an auto-detect would be the best solution.

3. No obvious way to use any shaders (guessing that is not high on the priority list)

4. No obvious way to change keymap for any particular system
OK I was finally able to do some improvements ... by using NFS mounts with a good ol' autostart.sh instead of using the NFS interface in XBMC

I plugged in my F710 Logitech Wireless remote gamepad. Seems to work out of the box for bSNES and Yabause which is too slow for me to use (lag too much)

I am still unable to use PSX, it is asking for a directory or use game directory, but if I chose game directory XBMC is crashing on me.
Where can someone download the RetroPlayer 2013-09-14-f51e46f build for windows? Doesn't seem to be in the folder in the opening post.
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RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Nexus)16