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[RELEASE] Hyper Launcher - A ROM launcher using HyperSpin assets
(2016-03-28, 05:35)teeedubb Wrote: Actually I think youll need a different approach as the addon checks if a rom file exists before launching it, so using the appid as the file name wont work. Set the rom directory to your launcher_scripts folder. Use the name your steam launcher_script as the game file name in the xml. In the steam_launcher script youll need something along the lines of

if %2 = "Half Life 2"
elif %2 = "Bordelands"
AppID = "Borderlands APPID"

steam.exe %AppID

The script above is just an example and probably wont work as is, I'm not that familiar with batch file scripting.

I didn't understand the bolded part. What's the difference in the XML between game name and description? What shows in the Kodi screen is the game name or the description?

Will it look like:

Quote: <game SteamAppId="221380" name="rocketlauncher.bat">
<description>Age of Empires II - HD Edition</description>
<manufacturer>Skybox Labs, Hidden Path Entertainment, Ensemble Studios</manufacturer>

...or something else?

I'm using RocketLauncher to launch the games, so I don't need a script for Steam.
I just gotta give a huge thanks for putting in the work on this. I'm going to check this out asap. I was about to give up on kodi being a gaming frontend until I saw this.

Long background story: I used to run advanced launcher across all my roms but skin issues and its dead status made me switch to RCB. Problem with RCB is that the mame scraper is dead and it is very finicky to get the db just right. Even once I got RCB up across all the consoles and mame the assets look janky due to aspect ratio on the assets and problems pulling descriptions (running Lubuntu so running the windows only offline scrapers doesn't work).
I'm also getting this error:

Quote:16:40:16 T:1660 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting plugin://plugin.hyper.launcher/?foldername=Steam&mode=folder
16:40:16 T:1660 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin://plugin.hyper.launcher/?foldername=Steam&mode=folder) failed
16:40:27 T:560 NOTICE: plugin.hyper.launcher.log: Folder loaded:
16:40:27 T:560 NOTICE: plugin.hyper.launcher.log: Nintendo Entertainment System.xml

Is there a list of supported folder names?

Since Steam doesn't have any ROMs, what I was trying was to make dummy txt files for the ROM names, point the config to that folder and let RocketLauncher do the rest. If I pass the correct names to RocketLauncher, it should launch the game irrespective of what's in the ROM file I pointed at for HyperLauncher.

I'm a bit sorry for insisting in this question, but the addon works flawlessly otherwise, my NES games run just fine for example. Smile So in that front I don't think I'll have too many problems.
Name is the filename and description is the game name (generally it's the same, except for mame). Can you post your steam XML and config?

@rabbitarmitage it should, but it's not tested.

@Leocmp I noticed this too last night , I'll hopefully get a chance to look at it this weekend.
(2016-03-30, 23:04)teeedubb Wrote: Name is the filename and description is the game name (generally it's the same, except for mame). Can you post your steam XML and config?

I see. Well it could be that I'm pointing to dummy TXT files, so HyperLauncher doesn't recognize anything and can't build the folder, but I also tried with Steam shortcuts (URL extension) and the result was the same...

Game List

This list was created with Steam Wheel Creator and updated manually.

It's a folder issue I'm overlooking because HyperLauncher will load the NES folder for example even if there are entries in the list without corresponding ROM files (as HyperSpin does).

<game name="Age of Empires II - HD Edition">

Instead of

<game SteamAppId="221380" name="Age of Empires II - HD Edition">
(2016-03-31, 01:55)teeedubb Wrote: Try

<game name="Age of Empires II - HD Edition">

Instead of

<game SteamAppId="221380" name="Age of Empires II - HD Edition">

Worked like a charm. Big Grin

I also added "rating", as I had seen an error relative to that in the debug log.

But I still don't know if my method of using dummy files will allow me to actually launch the games.

EDIT: It will also work with the SteamAppId in it. I guess the rating was the problem. You must supply HyperLauncher with the metadata even if empty.
AMAZING WORK teeedubb!!!!

a couple days ago i installed and it feels more smooth than AL (AL is amazing too)

but, I have a question...

how can i modified rocketlauncher.bat to use pssusspend instead of tsskillHuh

I use titan skin with vertical menu, with widgets for movies, tv shows, and when i use it with HL, lauch the game, and when i close it, HL goes back to the video addons folder, instead of main menu...

I think, if kodi suspend instead of close, it could go back to main menu...

thank you for this great addon
I had pssuspend working perfect and fine on my test system but for the life of me I couldn't get it working on my HTPC.
I found I didn't need it as the later versions of Hyper Launcher with the option option that has kodi run in the background solved the issue of the preview videos playing in the background which was the only reason I was using pssuspend in the first place.

My rocketlauncher.bat only has the path to rocketlauncher.exe and the necessary %1 and %2 on one line and the path to kodi on a second line. no tskill or pssuspend anymore. I'm not sure the path to kodi is necessary, I haven't tested without it.

Kodi stays running in the background and after the game closes kodi comes back to where it left off.
Thanks, i'll try it later Big Grin
(2016-03-31, 20:24)jmode Wrote: AMAZING WORK teeedubb!!!!

a couple days ago i installed and it feels more smooth than AL (AL is amazing too)

but, I have a question...

how can i modified rocketlauncher.bat to use pssusspend instead of tsskillHuh

I use titan skin with vertical menu, with widgets for movies, tv shows, and when i use it with HL, lauch the game, and when i close it, HL goes back to the video addons folder, instead of main menu...

I think, if kodi suspend instead of close, it could go back to main menu...

thank you for this great addon

Download the HyperLauncher "Service" addon from the repository. In that, there's a config option that allows you to change whether you want Kodi to go back to the Videos menu or stay only at the main screen.

What I also suggest is to add delays between commands.

timeout /t 10 for example adds a 10 second delay before the next command, or until a key is pressed. It was helpful in making all apps start and close correctly, though I used smaller delay (5 second).
Modified .bat and Timeout / did the trick....

Thanks a lot to both of you Smile
Glad to help. Smile
I'm having a small problem with the views.

I'm using KOver skin. I have set poster as the Box folder in the HyperLauncher config XML file (in this case it's the NES). But when I select a view with "poster" view, the loaded image is the fanart one, not the boxart. I've been thinking it could be a skin issue, because it works fine in Confluence. However, Emby for Kodi plugin will display poster images correctly.
Kover will use fanart in place of the poster if the poster does not exist. Double check your config and that the poster art exists. Also you can try with the latest version of HL from git (needs to be manually installed), fetching of fanrt has been cleaned up plus it has the option to add more logging in regards to artwork.
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[RELEASE] Hyper Launcher - A ROM launcher using HyperSpin assets4