I'm trying to have a Recording Indicator using kodi4smartie.
The query towards Kodi is working. If I configure $dll(kodi4smartie,5,PVR.Properties,recording) I see from a Wireshark capture that Kodi is returning the following:
If I understand function 5 in dllmain.cpp well it will only return a string value if a string was received from Kodi.
I was thinking of adding a new function 12 similar to function 5 that handles booleans from Kodi and returns the string "true" or "false".
I'm not familiar with Visual Studio or programming in C++.
I tried to compile the source with Visual Studio 2017 but I get a lot of errors.
Is it possible to compile with VS 2017 or should I look for VS 2010?
Or did I select a wrong version of CppRestSDK?
Managed to compile the source with Visual Studio 2015, VS-2017 and also VS-2019 (after installing 'MSVS v140 - VS 2015 C++ build tools' via the installer, and 'Windows 8.1 SDK' from the
Windows download archive) using the kodi4smartie.sln (solution) file.
This also downloaded all the required dependencies. (The resulting build includes 'cpprest140_2_6.dll' i.s.o. 'cpprest140_2_9.dll' so I likely don't have the latest version of the CppRestSDK installed.)