Linux building new dev platform: questions regarding best practice guide and IDE/debugger
Ok, time to give the next platform a try. I would be very grateful if anyone could shed some light on ​following questions before I go on:

1. Is there any best practice guide for Ubuntu (or whatever dist) when it comes to choices like gl/gles/wayland/etc, if to use the builtin individual dependencies or not (crossguid, libfmt, libspdlog, waylandpp, etc). There are a lot of options but no obvious choice when it comes to pick the most optimal way to build a Linux dev platform for Kodi.

2. Does anyone use Ecplise any other IDE to debug Kodi?

Any sugestions are welcome!
I decided to build Kodi with gl/x11 to facilitate debugging using remote display together with Eclipse. To build Kodi using Ubuntu 21.04 went all the way without any errors this time.
generally x86 platforms with halfway decent gfx, including iGPUs in intel and amd cpus use GL, while embedded / arm platforms use GLES.
Thanks! Are you using any IDE to build or debug kodi on Linux?

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