2023-12-01, 22:41
The author update Gismetro and it now works fine.
(2023-12-01, 16:09)wags1 Wrote: @MatteN Their is currently an issue with Multi Weather running on Kodi v 21. It has been reported now by several users. Not completely surprising as v 21 is still in pre-release.
(2023-12-01, 07:07)Fuchs2468 Wrote: Yes, “Multi Weather” is also broken in version 0.0.20also EU-user. Since few days no weather with Multi Weather (Gismeteo works) on Kodi 20.2 stable in Android. After clean de-installation and new installation, no weather again.
But I think it's only broken for EU users (EU users are asked for cookie consent).
A simple attempt uninstalls “Multi Weather” completely, including the user data.
After reinstallation:
- No cookie info is generated in the setting.xml.
- No weather display
If you want to try it, save your old setting.xml first.
Because as long as your cookie is still valid, “Multi Weather” works.
(2023-12-07, 06:33)sus67 Wrote: also EU-user. Since few days no weather with Multi Weather (Gismeteo works) on Kodi 20.2 stable in Android. After clean de-installation and new installation, no weather again.Resolved with this fix Post#238
What can we do to still valid the cookies without old setting.xml ?