Weather no longer working on Kodi!
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the weather portion of Kodi doesn't work. Like. At all. Just a big bar on the right with the Celsius mark and how fast the wind is but that stays zero. Tried to reinstall the weather service but that would not help. I have no idea how to check the log, only got an error that there was something wrong (slideout thingy with the red triangle).
Which weather addon are you using?
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Gismeteo, also tried Multi Weather, no effect.
Multi Weather update to 1.0.20 was released on Github. You can find it here.

Be aware this is a fork of the original Multi Weather addon but it gets frequent updates and is working.
Hello, I had the same issue on OSMC with Gismetro. I tried other Weather addons but they didn't work either. Did you get it fixed? How?
@nemax See my post above. Be aware that is a fork of the original Multi Weather addon.
I've tried the 1.0.20 version from Github but still doesnt work for me. I'm using the latest V21 nightlie Kodi version on my main client so I think my issue is related to that too as the branch version does work on my V20 clients. Hopefully the V21 client will be fixed soon. Not a major issue as I can look out of the window and see the weather is currently Rubbish  Laugh
For some reason since Gismetro stopped working I can't get any weather addon to work.
@i0zjh02 I’m running 20.2 and 1.0.20 is working fine so it could certainly be an issue running on the v21 nightly.
The new version is already out in the github repository, if you don't want to wait, just download it.

version 0.6.4
Yes, “Multi Weather” is also broken in version 0.0.20

But I think it's only broken for EU users (EU users are asked for cookie consent).

A simple attempt uninstalls “Multi Weather” completely, including the user data.
After reinstallation:
- No cookie info is generated in the setting.xml.
- No weather display

If you want to try it, save your old setting.xml first.
Because as long as your cookie is still valid, “Multi Weather” works.
I'm located in North America, I’m running 20.2 and I updated using the link wags1 provided to v1.0.20 but Multi Weather is still not working.
@kitaro64 That is an odd one. I'm running on two Nvidia Shield Pros and am having no problems. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Multi Weather? I am in US north east.
Kodi 21 on 10 devices, no working weather addon.
@MatteN Their is currently an issue with Multi Weather running on Kodi v 21. It has been reported now by several users. Not completely surprising as  v 21 is still in pre-release.

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Weather no longer working on Kodi!0