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Solved [NVRMND] Skin doesn't respect visible flags in system/settings.xml
Settings categories still show up even if you edit the system/settings.xml file and add a tag <visible>false</visible>

to reproduce, edit settings.xml in system, go to a catagory such as PVR here
add a flag <visible>false</visible>
open kodi and go to settings, pvr (or the one you added the flag to) is still visible and when you open it only the settings inside are hidden

expected behavior would be to have the item removed from settings like "Games" is when settings gamesgeneral.enable=false
Visible tags are for skin XML files and will have no affect in settings.xml.
(2024-02-20, 18:26)Hitcher Wrote: Visible tags are for skin XML files and will have no affect in settings.xml.

look, i already know nobody wants to acknowledge my issue reports but at least do me the favor of not calling me an idiot

as i can see here visible is used in settings.xml
Works ok here

Also why post this in Estuary section, has nothing to do with the skin.
Or do you actaully mean you want to hide the Sections? if so that's not possible, the visible tag only works on Categories within each Section.

[Edit] That's if you're editing the System -> settings.xml which contain the Kodi core settings.
What I meant was it's not an Estuary issue if that tag doesn't work.
If you want to hide a Section completely then yes you can do that from the skin, but that a different settings.xml in that case you want the skin one, so for PVR it's this you'd need to edit

[edit] So to hide PVR


Actually just tested this out myself and while you can't hide sections in settings.xml you can hide categories.
(2024-02-20, 20:37)jjd-uk Wrote: Works ok here

yes precisely that

(2024-02-20, 20:38)jjd-uk Wrote: Also why post this in Estuary section, has nothing to do with the skin.

because i expect that if in the settings gui and the entire category is hidden then the icon would be hidden as well
the way it behaves here which hides the Games icon entirely if games is disabled
and that would have to be added to the skin in the same way

(2024-02-20, 20:47)Hitcher Wrote: What I meant was it's not an Estuary issue if that tag doesn't work.

same as answer above, the skin does not have a visible condition flag for when a setting category is not visible

the real question i suppose would be "is there even a flag that the skin can use to hide those the way games is hidden?"
You are confusing 2 entirely different files both named settings.xml
(2024-02-20, 22:04)jjd-uk Wrote: You are confusing 2 entirely different files both named settings.xml

if a setting category is hidden (visible false) via kodi settings then why is the skin showing it and ignoring the visible flag
The skin is not ignoring anything, as I've shown Categories are hidden just fine when a visible tag is is added to the System > settings.xml however if it's the Sections you wish to hide that can be done from the entirely different and separate Estuary settings.xml again as I've shown. Everything is operating as it should be, you simply have to modify the right file.
(2024-02-20, 22:45)jjd-uk Wrote: The skin is not ignoring anything, as I've shown Categories are hidden just fine when a visible tag is is added to the System > settings.xml however if it's the Sections you wish to hide that can be done from the entirely different and separate Estuary settings.xml again as I've shown. Everything is operating as it should be, you simply have to modify the right file.

that's about what i expected

"displaying things that are marked <visible>false</visible> is completely normal"

and the next time i'm doing some CSS and i see an element displayed on the page that has "display: none" set i will just look through the javascript instead of the CSS because that makes more sense
Well perhaps you should explain exactly what you're trying to do then and provide screenshots, because I'm fed up wasting my time trying to help you while guessing at exactly what you want to achieve. Done the right way nothing is ignored, you can't just randomly insert code anywhere and expect it to do something.

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[NVRMND] Skin doesn't respect visible flags in system/settings.xml0