I think I am ready with V0.5 now. It seems to be more or less bug free and it provides lots of new features that should be worth to make an update.
You can download it here:
There is also a new Testdata zip file available:
And documentation is updated, too:
New features with V0.5:
- new ui design (I tried to do it confluence-like)
- different views of the main page (info, info 2, thumbs)
- configure different images for selected and non-selected items in main list
- show video in main window
- choose to show 1 big or 4 small images in Info and Info 2 view
- better performance while loading game list
- game counter
- display console name
- import images for developer, publisher, console or rom collection
- find game in description file by crc value
- check crc value of files inside a zip archive (1 file per archive only)
- more robust game description parser
- import roms in sub folders
- check config.xml for common errors before importing
- should be xtras compatible now (didn't test it myself but wimpy did a great job;-))
If you are already using V0.4 of this script please have a look at the update documentation in the projects wiki.
Screenshot of Info 2 view:
![Full sized picture Image](http://romcollectionbrowser.googlecode.com/files/screenshot_mainviewsmall_info2_640x480.jpg)
artwork provided by xtras project
Have fun,