2011-07-17, 23:08
First of all, I would like to say that MC360 is incredibly awesome and that I would like to say "thank you" to everyone who worked on it. With that being said, I will give you a little bit of information about myself and then ask my questions.
I am by no means a computer programmer. What I mean is, the fact that I was able to wade through the sea of conflicting information that is the internet and even get my xbox soft-modded in the first place was an accomplishment all by itself. I think I only had to go back to the drawing board and re-install everything something like six times before I finally got to see the evolution x dashboard, afterwards finally installing xbmc. After I installed MC360 I finally got to a point where I could let out a sigh of relief. I guess what I am trying to say here is that this whole process, for me anyway, has largely been a long, drawn-out process of trial-and-error.
Fast forward to the present; I figured out how to make my xbox boot up to xbmc MC360 and when I click the right thumbstick down and select "dashboard" it loads to evolution-x. This is configured exactly how I want it to be.
I have some problems and I simply cannot figure out any solutions to them:
In the "GAMES" blade when I click on the "Games" button, only games which I have installed on my E:/ partition will appear. I only have one game installed on my E:/ partition so basically what I see when I click on "Games" is the "Up one level" button and "Morrowwind: GOTY Ed." My problem is this: my games are all installed on F:/ because it is the largest partition, yet they DO NOT APPEAR anywhere.
How so I make the MC360 dashboard auto-detect not only games in the E:/Games folder, but also the F:/Games folder as well?
In order to play my games I have to go back to evolution-X dashboard, which auto-detects all emulators, games, and apps across all drive partitions. With evolution-x, everything appears exactly how it is supposed to, exactly where it is supposed to.
Even though I am not specifically computer-savvy, I do consider myself to be a very intellectual person. I have read all the documentation I can find on this matter, and I have tried my best to understand the guides that others have (obviously) painstakingly created.
While the above is mostly the reason for my post, I will take the opportunity to ask a few more questions.
1. I cannot get the "YouTube" option to watch videos online working. Has support for this feature been abandoned? If anyone knows how I can get this working, please let me know. A few dead buttons in the dashboard actually doesn't bother me at all. (For example, the Gamercard-thingy even though I wont be going online, a few of the auto-update buttons, and the "About xbmc" button, etc. These are all dead buttons for me.)
As previously stated a few dead buttons doesn't bother me as long as the "Important" features of the dashboard actually work; like, say for example, the "Games" button in the "Games" blade.
2. I have no idea why or what is going wrong but I cannot get an app called "DVD2XBOX" working correctly. I put the app in my apps folder, but when I click on it the screen just goes blank and nothing else happens; afterwards I always have to stand up and manually restart my xbox.
I would love to scan my copy of "Halo" and "Halo 2" into my xbox to get faster load times. I had it working before, but since then I have re-formatted my xbox and performed a clean install of everything. Luckily, I made a backup of my xbox hdd before I re-formatted and was I able to recover my xbox games from that, and then FTP them over to the xbox hdd using my computer.
3. Does anyone know where I can get some Freeware or shareware arcade games to put into the "Arcade" folder so it isn't just completely empty? I am tired of looking at the button because it simply doesn't do anything, and I can't find any arcade games to put in it. That stupid button wouldn't bother me so bad if it actually did something, even if I actually never end up using it I would like to have it do something.
Thank you for reading my wall of text. I am sorry if your brain hurts now. Hopefully someone out there has the answers I need. Thank you again to everyone who brought us both xbmc and MC360. Both of them are incredibly awesome masterpieces of computer programming.
I am by no means a computer programmer. What I mean is, the fact that I was able to wade through the sea of conflicting information that is the internet and even get my xbox soft-modded in the first place was an accomplishment all by itself. I think I only had to go back to the drawing board and re-install everything something like six times before I finally got to see the evolution x dashboard, afterwards finally installing xbmc. After I installed MC360 I finally got to a point where I could let out a sigh of relief. I guess what I am trying to say here is that this whole process, for me anyway, has largely been a long, drawn-out process of trial-and-error.
Fast forward to the present; I figured out how to make my xbox boot up to xbmc MC360 and when I click the right thumbstick down and select "dashboard" it loads to evolution-x. This is configured exactly how I want it to be.
I have some problems and I simply cannot figure out any solutions to them:
In the "GAMES" blade when I click on the "Games" button, only games which I have installed on my E:/ partition will appear. I only have one game installed on my E:/ partition so basically what I see when I click on "Games" is the "Up one level" button and "Morrowwind: GOTY Ed." My problem is this: my games are all installed on F:/ because it is the largest partition, yet they DO NOT APPEAR anywhere.
How so I make the MC360 dashboard auto-detect not only games in the E:/Games folder, but also the F:/Games folder as well?
In order to play my games I have to go back to evolution-X dashboard, which auto-detects all emulators, games, and apps across all drive partitions. With evolution-x, everything appears exactly how it is supposed to, exactly where it is supposed to.
Even though I am not specifically computer-savvy, I do consider myself to be a very intellectual person. I have read all the documentation I can find on this matter, and I have tried my best to understand the guides that others have (obviously) painstakingly created.
While the above is mostly the reason for my post, I will take the opportunity to ask a few more questions.
1. I cannot get the "YouTube" option to watch videos online working. Has support for this feature been abandoned? If anyone knows how I can get this working, please let me know. A few dead buttons in the dashboard actually doesn't bother me at all. (For example, the Gamercard-thingy even though I wont be going online, a few of the auto-update buttons, and the "About xbmc" button, etc. These are all dead buttons for me.)
As previously stated a few dead buttons doesn't bother me as long as the "Important" features of the dashboard actually work; like, say for example, the "Games" button in the "Games" blade.
2. I have no idea why or what is going wrong but I cannot get an app called "DVD2XBOX" working correctly. I put the app in my apps folder, but when I click on it the screen just goes blank and nothing else happens; afterwards I always have to stand up and manually restart my xbox.
I would love to scan my copy of "Halo" and "Halo 2" into my xbox to get faster load times. I had it working before, but since then I have re-formatted my xbox and performed a clean install of everything. Luckily, I made a backup of my xbox hdd before I re-formatted and was I able to recover my xbox games from that, and then FTP them over to the xbox hdd using my computer.
3. Does anyone know where I can get some Freeware or shareware arcade games to put into the "Arcade" folder so it isn't just completely empty? I am tired of looking at the button because it simply doesn't do anything, and I can't find any arcade games to put in it. That stupid button wouldn't bother me so bad if it actually did something, even if I actually never end up using it I would like to have it do something.
Thank you for reading my wall of text. I am sorry if your brain hurts now. Hopefully someone out there has the answers I need. Thank you again to everyone who brought us both xbmc and MC360. Both of them are incredibly awesome masterpieces of computer programming.