Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Re-establishing voice chat freeze xbmc
when trying to reconnect a voice chat (after a game for example, after the xbox has rebooted), xbmc freezes.

i keep reading that the problem has been solved, so i'm wondering if i'm the only one with this problem.

i'm running xbmc-2005-05-30, and i deleted the xbmc settings.

here's an attempt to describe the steps taken:

1) when xbmc is loaded, select a friend and click voice.
2) stop the conversation by clicking voice again
3) try to re-establish the conversation (click voice)
4) xbmc freezes.

i tried step 3 with both the kai toast message on screen, and after it disappeared.
i also removed all but one contact from my list (and he does have an avatar).

this happens when after playing a game, you reboot the xbox and try to go back to a voice chat in xbmc (to coordinate a new game for example). because the voice session seems to be still active, you need to cancel it and reactivate, and causes the crash.
would it be possible to change xbmc to automatically close all voice chat sessions for friends in the list when a game is started (onunload?) ?

best regards, and thanks for all the hard work.


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Re-establishing voice chat freeze xbmc0