2012-04-21, 17:48
I love the skin in many ways, but the music screen is just not right for me. I appreciate anyone bearing with me and my poor descriptions enough to try and help. I've modded certain parts of it to what suits me, but I can't quite figure out the music "whilst playing". A) I'm not skilled enough a skinner and b) I'm new to the process of skinning. I hope the creators don't mind me hacking it about!
When playing some music, I'd ideally like the background to go black. I've managed to get rid of the visualisations. I don't want fan art/cd art looping in the background, but I'd like the folder art in the bottom corner (not the large icon that has the transparent cd case behind it, but the small one that is on the screen before the screensaver kicks in), along with the music info. Album/artist/next track/time left/etc. Basically really minimal.
When playing some music, I'd ideally like the background to go black. I've managed to get rid of the visualisations. I don't want fan art/cd art looping in the background, but I'd like the folder art in the bottom corner (not the large icon that has the transparent cd case behind it, but the small one that is on the screen before the screensaver kicks in), along with the music info. Album/artist/next track/time left/etc. Basically really minimal.