Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Artist name like "Surname, Forename"
for all artists with a forename and a surname I have tagged and named my music files like this:

Surname, Forename - Title.file

For example "Bush, Kate - Running Up That Hill.mp3"

All Lyrics add-ons I tried do not display any lyrics for files like these.
Of course I could add "Kate Bush" to the Album Artist tag, but that would lead to many duplicate entries.

Is there any workaround for this? I could imagine a kind of a translation table file.

Sorry for my poor English...
Vero 4k+ | OSMC Kodi 19.1
Sony KD-65A1
I'm having the same issue. Has anyone every come up with a way to make this work?


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Artist name like "Surname, Forename"0