Unable to add NFS source

I just installed XBMC on iMITO MX2, but I am not able to configure NFS. Does it suppose to work? This suppose to be the absolute basic functionality I expect from any media player.

So far the experience is quite shocking. I don't understand the way how to setup the sources. It is so complicated and one does not know whether it works or not. On Xtreamer it is so simple to set the source, so I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Is there any other media player which actually works with NFS?


Quote:This suppose to be the absolute basic functionality I expect from any media player.

well well well, I guess we're in deep shit if NFS isn't working.
Works without problems here Wink

Imo it's a layer 8 issue!
Works flawlessly. Definitely a layer 8 problem Smile

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Unable to add NFS source0