Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
can't connect to the xkailink
ivé tried to fix it but it still just won't connect can anyone plz help me with this i can only connect to the weather, trailers that is all can't connect to any of the shared networks such as shoutfm or something and can't connect to the move trailers thing either. some one help me plz
1. do you actually have the kaid engine running.
2. how is your box connected to the net?
3. what is your dash setting (dashboard, automatic, or static).
4. have you actually registered at the xlink site so you have a kaid account.
5. what build is your dash.

last but not least.... i should have my network login at work so i'll answer this later today or in @ 12 hours whichever comes first.

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can't connect to the xkailink0