2013-03-18, 16:27
Hi guys,
im Robert (25) from Germany. Just because its my first Post in here :-)
I stream my music via simfy (local streaming provider) and airplay on my tv. That work's great, until i try to activate the Lyrics. He loads the screen on the right side where my track is showed up. After that, it just crashes, the lyric-screen shut down and the music stops.
If i deactivate the scraper in lyric addon options (i think it wont search for lyrics in the internet then), it will crash anyway, so i think it hasnt something to do with the connection or something like that.
Tested on two different Model B Raspberry-Pi Devices with newest Raspbmc and the newest OpenELEC build. Same results on Frodo Windows-Version.
Debug-Log from Windows-PC while trying:
17:22:56 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: Baidu: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 38, sym: 0134, unicode: 0000, modifier: 100
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: alt-leftalt (4f0d4) pressed, action is
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Windows\explorer.exe
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: Baidu: LyricsFetcher::get_lyrics (37) ['NoneType' object has no attribute 'group']
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricwiki: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricsmode: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricsmode: search url: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics///pipe://3/.html
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricsmode: search url: http://www.lyricsmode.com/search.php?wha...%2F%2F3%2F
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricstime: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricstime: search url: http://www.lyricstime.com/-pipe://3/-lyrics.html
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricstime: LyricsFetcher::get_lyrics (35) [list index out of range]
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: no lyrics found
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: myPlayer event: ended
17:22:57 T:5048 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 605
17:22:57 T:5048 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 299
17:22:57 T:5048 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
17:22:57 T:5048 ERROR: Failed to run the gc to clean up after running prior to shutting down the Interpreter C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py
17:22:57 T:5048 WARNING: The python script "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: Window,Player,WindowXMLDialog
17:22:57 T:5048 INFO: Python script stopped
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: Thread XBPyThread 5048 terminating
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: waiting for python thread 2 (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py) to stop
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: python thread 2 (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py) destructed
17:22:58 T:6096 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons\skin.confluence\720p\script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml) ------
Same error from my Raspbmc nightly build:
17:37:53 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (PlayerControls.xml) ------
17:37:54 T:2764960832 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Process - The source file to load is /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Process - Setting the Python path to /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.xbmcswift/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.t0mm0.common/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.chardet/lib:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/weather.wunderground/resources/lib/wunderground:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/script.module.simplejson/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.beautifulsoup/lib:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/script.module.pil/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.urlresolver/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.parsedom/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.xbmcswift2/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.feedparser/lib:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/script.module.pysqlite/lib:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Process - Entering source directory /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.cu.lrclyrics" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: NEWADDON PythonCallbackHandler construction with PyThreadState 0x2e3bf90
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml) ------
17:37:54 T:3038199808 INFO: Loading skin file: /home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 19 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 2 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:37:55 T:3038199808 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
17:37:55 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
17:37:55 T:2764960832 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 299
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: NEWADDON PythonCallbackHandler construction with PyThreadState 0x2e3bf90
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: myPlayer event: started
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: Current Song: KRS-One:Tell The Devil "Ha!"
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 19 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 2 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:37:56 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: no lyrics found
17:37:56 T:2764960832 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 605
17:37:56 T:2764960832 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 299
17:37:58 T:2773349440 DEBUG: COMXPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_EOF
17:37:59 T:2773349440 DEBUG: COMXAudio::WaitCompletion - got eos
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit()
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: OMXPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: OMXPlayer: closing audio stream
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::WaitUntilEmpty
17:37:59 T:2773349440 DEBUG: COMXPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
17:37:59 T:2773349440 NOTICE: thread end: OMXPlayerAudio::OnExit()
17:37:59 T:2773349440 DEBUG: Thread COMXPlayerAudio 2773349440 terminating
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_render handle 0x03076f30 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_mixer handle 0x02d6ea58 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_decode handle 0x02d6f408 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: OMXClock using video as reference
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXReset audio / video : 0 / 0 start audio / video : 0 / 0 wait mask 0
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: Thread COMXPlayer 2882974784 terminating
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() started
17:37:59 T:3038199808 INFO: ADDON: Dll Stopped - OpenGL Spectrum
17:37:59 T:3038199808 INFO: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - OpenGL Spectrum
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() done
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: DoWork - Saving file state for audio item pipe://1/
17:37:59 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: myPlayer event: ended
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXPlayer::CloseFile
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXPlayer: finished waiting
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:3038199808 NOTICE: OMXClock using video as reference
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXReset audio / video : 0 / 0 start audio / video : 0 / 0 wait mask 0
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:3038199808 NOTICE: OMXClock using video as reference
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXReset audio / video : 0 / 0 start audio / video : 0 / 0 wait mask 0
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.clock handle 0x024f77e8 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2764960832 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
17:37:59 T:2764960832 ERROR: Failed to run the gc to clean up after running prior to shutting down the Interpreter /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py
17:37:59 T:2764960832 WARNING: The python script "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: Window,Player,WindowXMLDialog
17:37:59 T:2764960832 INFO: Python script stopped
17:37:59 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Thread XBPyThread 2764960832 terminating
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: waiting for python thread 5 (/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py) to stop
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: python thread 5 (/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py) destructed
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml) ------
17:38:29 T:2882974784 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 2882974784 terminating (autodelete)
17:38:29 T:3038199808 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-53-arm.so)
17:38:29 T:3038199808 DEBUG: Unloading: avcodec-53-arm.so
17:38:30 T:3038199808 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/swresample-0-arm.so)
17:38:30 T:3038199808 DEBUG: Unloading: swresample-0-arm.so
At the End its the same error for all that platforms:
WARNING: The python script "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: Window,Player,WindowXMLDialog
I can add the log from OpenELEC too, but i think its the same ^^
Thank you in advance and best regards.
im Robert (25) from Germany. Just because its my first Post in here :-)
I stream my music via simfy (local streaming provider) and airplay on my tv. That work's great, until i try to activate the Lyrics. He loads the screen on the right side where my track is showed up. After that, it just crashes, the lyric-screen shut down and the music stops.
If i deactivate the scraper in lyric addon options (i think it wont search for lyrics in the internet then), it will crash anyway, so i think it hasnt something to do with the connection or something like that.
Tested on two different Model B Raspberry-Pi Devices with newest Raspbmc and the newest OpenELEC build. Same results on Frodo Windows-Version.
Debug-Log from Windows-PC while trying:
17:22:56 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: Baidu: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 38, sym: 0134, unicode: 0000, modifier: 100
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: alt-leftalt (4f0d4) pressed, action is
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProc: Focus switched to process C:\Windows\explorer.exe
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: Baidu: LyricsFetcher::get_lyrics (37) ['NoneType' object has no attribute 'group']
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricwiki: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricsmode: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricsmode: search url: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics///pipe://3/.html
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricsmode: search url: http://www.lyricsmode.com/search.php?wha...%2F%2F3%2F
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricstime: searching lyrics for - pipe://3/
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricstime: search url: http://www.lyricstime.com/-pipe://3/-lyrics.html
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: lyricstime: LyricsFetcher::get_lyrics (35) [list index out of range]
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: no lyrics found
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: myPlayer event: ended
17:22:57 T:5048 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 605
17:22:57 T:5048 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 299
17:22:57 T:5048 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
17:22:57 T:5048 ERROR: Failed to run the gc to clean up after running prior to shutting down the Interpreter C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py
17:22:57 T:5048 WARNING: The python script "C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: Window,Player,WindowXMLDialog
17:22:57 T:5048 INFO: Python script stopped
17:22:57 T:5048 DEBUG: Thread XBPyThread 5048 terminating
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: waiting for python thread 2 (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py) to stop
17:22:57 T:6096 DEBUG: python thread 2 (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cu.lrclyrics\default.py) destructed
17:22:58 T:6096 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\addons\skin.confluence\720p\script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml) ------
Same error from my Raspbmc nightly build:
17:37:53 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (PlayerControls.xml) ------
17:37:54 T:2764960832 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Process - The source file to load is /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Process - Setting the Python path to /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.xbmcswift/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.t0mm0.common/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.chardet/lib:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/weather.wunderground/resources/lib/wunderground:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/script.module.simplejson/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.beautifulsoup/lib:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/script.module.pil/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.common.plugin.cache/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.simple.downloader/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.urlresolver/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.parsedom/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.xbmcswift2/lib:/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.module.feedparser/lib:/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/script.module.pysqlite/lib:/usr/lib/python2.7:/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old:/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Process - Entering source directory /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Instantiating addon using automatically obtained id of "script.cu.lrclyrics" dependent on version 2.1.0 of the xbmc.python api
17:37:54 T:2764960832 DEBUG: NEWADDON PythonCallbackHandler construction with PyThreadState 0x2e3bf90
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml) ------
17:37:54 T:3038199808 INFO: Loading skin file: /home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml, load type: LOAD_ON_GUI_INIT
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 19 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:37:54 T:3038199808 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 2 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:37:55 T:3038199808 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
17:37:55 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
17:37:55 T:2764960832 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 299
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: NEWADDON PythonCallbackHandler construction with PyThreadState 0x2e3bf90
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: myPlayer event: started
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: Current Song: KRS-One:Tell The Devil "Ha!"
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 19 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/German/strings.po
17:37:55 T:2764960832 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 2 strings from file /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/resources/language/English/strings.po
17:37:56 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: no lyrics found
17:37:56 T:2764960832 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 605
17:37:56 T:2764960832 ERROR: EXCEPTION: Non-Existent Control 299
17:37:58 T:2773349440 DEBUG: COMXPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_EOF
17:37:59 T:2773349440 DEBUG: COMXAudio::WaitCompletion - got eos
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit()
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: OMXPlayer: eof, waiting for queues to empty
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: OMXPlayer: closing audio stream
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: Closing audio stream
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: CDVDMessageQueue(audio)::WaitUntilEmpty
17:37:59 T:2773349440 DEBUG: COMXPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
17:37:59 T:2773349440 NOTICE: thread end: OMXPlayerAudio::OnExit()
17:37:59 T:2773349440 DEBUG: Thread COMXPlayerAudio 2773349440 terminating
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_render handle 0x03076f30 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_mixer handle 0x02d6ea58 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.audio_decode handle 0x02d6f408 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: OMXClock using video as reference
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXReset audio / video : 0 / 0 start audio / video : 0 / 0 wait mask 0
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit() deleting demuxer
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: COMXPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnStop from xbmc
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnStop
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: Thread COMXPlayer 2882974784 terminating
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() started
17:37:59 T:3038199808 INFO: ADDON: Dll Stopped - OpenGL Spectrum
17:37:59 T:3038199808 INFO: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - OpenGL Spectrum
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: FreeVisualisation() done
17:37:59 T:2882974784 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
17:37:59 T:2882974784 DEBUG: DoWork - Saving file state for audio item pipe://1/
17:37:59 T:2764960832 DEBUG: CU LRC Lyrics: myPlayer event: ended
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXPlayer::CloseFile
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXPlayer: finished waiting
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: LinuxRendererGL: Cleaning up GL resources
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:3038199808 NOTICE: OMXClock using video as reference
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXReset audio / video : 0 / 0 start audio / video : 0 / 0 wait mask 0
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXStop
17:37:59 T:3038199808 NOTICE: OMXClock using video as reference
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: OMXClock::OMXReset audio / video : 0 / 0 start audio / video : 0 / 0 wait mask 0
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent:einitialize : OMX.broadcom.clock handle 0x024f77e8 dllopen : 1
17:37:59 T:2764960832 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
17:37:59 T:2764960832 ERROR: Failed to run the gc to clean up after running prior to shutting down the Interpreter /home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py
17:37:59 T:2764960832 WARNING: The python script "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: Window,Player,WindowXMLDialog
17:37:59 T:2764960832 INFO: Python script stopped
17:37:59 T:2764960832 DEBUG: Thread XBPyThread 2764960832 terminating
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: waiting for python thread 5 (/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py) to stop
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: python thread 5 (/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py) destructed
17:37:59 T:3038199808 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (/home/pi/.upgrade/xbmc-rbp-20130305/xbmc-bcm/xbmc-bin/share/xbmc/addons/skin.confluence/720p/script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml) ------
17:38:29 T:2882974784 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 2882974784 terminating (autodelete)
17:38:29 T:3038199808 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-53-arm.so)
17:38:29 T:3038199808 DEBUG: Unloading: avcodec-53-arm.so
17:38:30 T:3038199808 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/swresample-0-arm.so)
17:38:30 T:3038199808 DEBUG: Unloading: swresample-0-arm.so
At the End its the same error for all that platforms:
WARNING: The python script "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/script.cu.lrclyrics/default.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: Window,Player,WindowXMLDialog
I can add the log from OpenELEC too, but i think its the same ^^
Thank you in advance and best regards.