Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[SOLVED] Frodo and Amazon RDS

I'm having some problems upgrading to Frodo since my library is in an Amazon RDS server... the upgrade guide asks to grant all permissions to the xbmc user, but this is not a command allowed on RDS.

Is there any other way to give the right permissions instead of granting it all?


See log messages when trying to upgrade:

09:43:45 T:125755392 NOTICE: Running database version Addons15
09:43:45 T:125755392 NOTICE: Running database version ViewModes4
09:43:46 T:125755392 NOTICE: Running database version Textures13
09:43:46 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_music32 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_music32')
09:43:46 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_music31 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_music31')
09:43:47 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_music30 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_music30')
09:43:47 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_music29 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_music29')
09:43:47 T:125755392 NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 28 to 32
09:43:50 T:125755392 NOTICE: Attempting to update the database xbmc_music32 from version 28 to 32
09:43:52 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video75 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video75')
09:43:52 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video74 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video74')
09:43:52 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video73 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video73')
09:43:52 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video72 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video72')
09:43:53 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video71 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video71')
09:43:53 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video70 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video70')
09:43:54 T:125755392 NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 69 to 75
09:44:02 T:125755392 NOTICE: Attempting to update the database xbmc_video75 from version 69 to 75
09:44:11 T:125755392 ERROR: SQL: Undefined MySQL error: Code (1419)
Query: DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS delete_movie
09:44:11 T:125755392 ERROR: Exception updating database xbmc_video75 from version 69 to 75
09:44:11 T:125755392 ERROR: Error updating database xbmc_video75 from version 69 to 75
09:44:11 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video68 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video68')
09:44:12 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video67 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video67')
09:44:12 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video66 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video66')
09:44:12 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video65 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video65')
09:44:12 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video64 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video64')
09:44:13 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video63 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video63')
09:44:13 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video62 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video62')
09:44:13 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to open database: xbmc_video61 [1049](Unknown database 'xbmc_video61')
09:44:14 T:125755392 NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 60 to 75
09:44:14 T:125755392 ERROR: SQL: Can't create database for copy: 'xbmc_video60' (1007)
09:44:14 T:125755392 ERROR: Unable to copy old database xbmc_video60 to new version xbmc_video75
I've tried the following commands that worked fine, but database upgrade still not work... log message here:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%'
GRANT ALL ON `%`.* TO xbmc@`%`

17:18:14 T:140735286575488 NOTICE: Old database found - updating from version 69 to 75
17:18:14 T:140735286575488 ERROR: SQL: Can't create database for copy: 'xbmc_video69' (1007)
17:18:14 T:140735286575488 ERROR: Unable to copy old database xbmc_video69 to new version xbmc_video75

I've tried with my masterdb user account and with the xbmc one.. same thing =/


Many thanks
Ok guys, found a workaround...

I've exported my databases, installed a new MYSQL server in an EC2 instance and upgraded to Frodo using this new MYSQL server... after all done, I've exported the databases and imported back in the Amazon RDS instance (need to change the DB parameter "log_bin_trust_function_creators" to 1 in the RDS console and restart the mysql server before importing to avoid the SUPER error)
Since this is the top Google result, even in 2019. Here's an extra step you need to do to make it work in Leia

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[SOLVED] Frodo and Amazon RDS0