2013-03-29, 12:03
Hi Jingai
Firstly I absolutely love the Metropolis skin. I can't even begin to imagine how much work you must have put into this, but it brings a lot of people a lot of pleasure.
There is one small problem I've found, which may not be Metropolis specific. On the music artist information page it seems that if you press the update thumb button it's updating the fanart instead. Even if I browse and select the folder.jpg it still updates the fanart not the thumb. I tried to track down the cause in dialogalbuminfo.xml but couldn't really work it out. The update fanart button works fine, it's just the thumb button seems to be doing the same thing.
Firstly I absolutely love the Metropolis skin. I can't even begin to imagine how much work you must have put into this, but it brings a lot of people a lot of pleasure.
There is one small problem I've found, which may not be Metropolis specific. On the music artist information page it seems that if you press the update thumb button it's updating the fanart instead. Even if I browse and select the folder.jpg it still updates the fanart not the thumb. I tried to track down the cause in dialogalbuminfo.xml but couldn't really work it out. The update fanart button works fine, it's just the thumb button seems to be doing the same thing.