Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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Hi mate, i gotta say this is the most simple/pretty skin i've ever used in XBMC and the only reason i can't use it everyday it's because i use LIVETV a lot and channel list isn't that good.

in live tv mode, could you improve "C" channel list EPG colour?

i see tv from 3 to 4 meters in a 42" TV and i can't see what's current on in each channel.
Only if i put BAR in channel colour changes and i'm able to see it.

a channel list "C" i find perfect it's "transparecy SKIN" list.

something you would see in a receiver. could be bigger, but it's ok like that.

if you could manage something like this:

would be great mate.

but of course, i know you would make it prettier Smile
Hi, yesterday i asked/requested if could be possible to change font/colour in channel list area.

this is what i meant:


Would it be possible for you to make something like this:
Remember, this is "C" channel list menu.


Could you change it please or could you tell me where to change font/colour in this area?

thank you very much.
Hi mate, any news on this?
Thank you

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