install addon via ssh
I am not at a position to be in front of my XBMC at the moment and I wanted to use XWMM. Of course I forgot to install it before I left. Is there a way to install it via SSH or some other way with out having the machine in front of me, but having network access to it?

I am using openELEC so I don't think I can just "RDC" into it like I could if I was using windows.

Any quick help would be great.

I do have RDC access to a machine on the same network that I can use putty on.
PC: Antec Fusion Remote BlackASUS PRIME B250M-A, Core i3-7100 Kaby Lake 3.9GHz, Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 8GB DDR4-2400, LibreELEC
AV: Denon AVR-X3500H, CERWIN-Vega LS12, CERWIN-Vega E76C, Infinity TSS-450, Infinity Referance 2000.1, LG55"

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install addon via ssh0