Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
2 xboxes, 1 wont connect to KAI
my friend and i are trying to connect over xlink. he has the 10/30 t3ch build on both of his xboxes. he says both xboxes reflect the same network information with exception to the static ip, but he can only connect to kai with the one xbox that has a stock hdd. both have internet connection and utilize the xbmc internet based scripts. so connectivity isn't the issue. i told him to disconnect the xbox that can connect to kai and take its ip and use it for the xbox that cant connect; lastly i had him reboot his pc. i'm thinking a port is tied up with the one xbox and thus he can't connect another console to kai.

he says he has done what i asked and he still cant connect to kai. the latest xbmc builds don't seem to have config settings for kai as they did in the past. i.e. username, password, game locations.

any ideas?

"Sometimes, the best example is a bad example."
i installed the 11-21 build of xbmc and it kai says it cant connect. i can however use kai on the computer, then go into a system link game and play. but the kai interface in xbmc is not working.
"Sometimes, the best example is a bad example."

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2 xboxes, 1 wont connect to KAI0