XBMC for G-box won't work after flashing new G-box firmware
I bought the "G-Box Midnight MX2 Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Dual Core XBMC Streaming Mini HTPC TV Box Player by Matricom" off of Amazon because I was looking for a do it all convergence device for travel and possibly to replace my Popbox V8 if everything worked perfectly (I have nothing in my main set-up to stream HBO Go, so that would be a bonus). I plugged it in and spent a couple of hours playing with it and everything worked except Amazon Prime (which I hear may be blocked at the Amazon level) and (more importantly) it wouldn't link to my NAS on the network. I read that the network thing could be firmware, so I downloaded the 5-6-2012 Firmware from here http://androidtvbox.us/dls/software-and-roms/ , and flashed it. That fixed my network connectivity but (alas, as advertised) wiped my apps, including XBMC. I installed the latest date version of XBMC from the same page (XBMC Frodo 12 Beta for G-Box, latest release – 12-17-12 by brianf21) and that just crashes instead of loading. I've tried searching for which XBMC I should be using, but it's a post-tower-of-Babel cacophony out there if you are new to the game. can anyone tell me what version of XBMC I should be using?
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tmurry stop spamming you have been answered in another thread.

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XBMC for G-box won't work after flashing new G-box firmware0