Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
PVR recordings - watched icon
I can't see the watched overlay on my PVR recordings (using MythTV).

If I use the context menu I have the option to "mark as unwatched" to XBMC clearly recognises the program as watched.

Is this missing from the skin? If so, can someone point me to the right XML file and I'll see if I can add it.


BBC Live Football Scores: Football scores notifications service.
script.squeezeinfo: shows what's playing on your Logitech Media Server
Got this working. Will upload the edited code when I get a chance.
BBC Live Football Scores: Football scores notifications service.
script.squeezeinfo: shows what's playing on your Logitech Media Server
(2013-08-04, 08:59)el_Paraguayo Wrote: Got this working. Will upload the edited code when I get a chance.

thanks! looking forward
Ok. You need to edit the "ViewsLiveTV.xml" file.

At about line 462 there's a section starting "<include name="ViewLiveTVRecordings">"

Replace the whole view with the code below (use an editor that collapses xml files to see where this section ends). Also, back up the file first in case something goes wrong!

    <include name="ViewLiveTVRecordings">
    <control type="group">
    <animation effect="fade" reversible="true" time="300">VisibleChange</animation>
    <control type="group">
    <control type="panel" id="13">
    <viewtype label="544">list</viewtype>
    <itemlayout height="45" width="950">
    <control type="image">
    <texture fallback="DefaultAudioCover.png" background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
    <bordertexture border="-2">black.png</bordertexture>
    <control type="label">
    <control type="label">
    <control type="image">
    <focusedlayout height="45" width="950">
    <control type="image">
    <control type="image">
    <texture fallback="DefaultAudioCover.png" background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
    <bordertexture border="-2">grey.png</bordertexture>
    <control type="label">
    <control type="label">
    <control type="image">

    <control type="group">
    <control type="label">
    <control type="image">
    <texture fallback="DefaultAudioCover.png" background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
    <aspectratio align="right">keep</aspectratio>
    <bordertexture border="-2">grey.png</bordertexture>
    <control type="textbox">
    <autoscroll delay="8000" time="2000" repeat="8000">!Skin.HasSetting(noallowscroll)</autoscroll>
    <control type="scrollbar" id="73">
BBC Live Football Scores: Football scores notifications service.
script.squeezeinfo: shows what's playing on your Logitech Media Server

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