2013-09-04, 00:18
Another small problem I've come across, I'm using the vdr iptv plugin for some TV channels, the problem is that vnsi keeps throwing those channels into the radio list. Looks like it is caused by the video pid, if I exchange 1=27 with 2=27 vnsi is putting it into TV but I can't play it back any more.
edit: I'm not sure if a debug log is of any use, since the problem is quite straight forward.
Channel Name;IPTV:1:S=0|P=1|F=EXT|U=/home/xbmc/vlcstream.sh|A=0:I:0:1=27:2=@15:0:0:2:0:0:0
edit: I'm not sure if a debug log is of any use, since the problem is quite straight forward.