Anyone using a wireless adapter for connect
anyone using a wireless adapter like the mn-740 xbox wireless adapter to connect to xlink? does it work fine? did you have to forward any ports on the router?

any insight would be much appreciated.

thank you, mr rogerz
setup your xbox to use a static ip nd then throw it into the dmz. you shouldnt have any issues, of course there are a few ports (found on xlinks page) that should be open for xlink to function but those are mainly for the client not the xbox itself.
(harshreality @ jan. 12 2006,15:38 Wrote:setup your xbox to use a static ip nd then throw it into the dmz. you shouldnt have any issues, of course there are a few ports (found on xlinks page) that should be open for xlink to function but those are mainly for the client not the xbox itself.
thanks for the reply harshreality,

i see what you are saying.

question: is it possible to setup my xbox as a static ip when my router is setup for dhcp for my pcs at home?

right now i have four pcs that have the addresses - .103 (via dhcp)

could i just give my xbox a static ip like (for example)

thank you,

mr rogerz

you can give it a static ip, you should give it one outside the range of your dhcp server.

xlink uses the xboxes mac address, not the ip, so this step is unnecessary.

and i've never had to forward any ports to the xbox.
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(nuka1195 @ jan. 13 2006,04:08 Wrote:you can give it a static ip, you should give it one outside the range of your dhcp server.

xlink uses the xboxes mac address, not the ip, so this step is unnecessary.

and i've never had to forward any ports to the xbox.
sounds fundamental enough.

so the verdict is, yes, xbox wireless adapters do work with xbmc-xlink?

i just want to make sure it will actually work before i fork over the money for an adapter.

i know the troubleshooting process is all a part of the territory.

thanks for the advice, mr rogerz
you should check over at the xlink kai forums to be sure. i was just saying the ip doesn't matter. sorry for the confusion.
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Anyone using a wireless adapter for connect0