Xlink can't find all games on HD
when i start xlink on xbmc, then it only shows me a few games that he found on my hd and that i can play with xlink.
but there are a lot more games on my hd, such as call of duty 2. when i want to play that game in xlink it says that i don't have the game on my hd.

can anyone tell me if i can edit a settingslist where the paths of those games are noted?
or is there another solution for this problem?
i'm sure others know more about this than i do, but i believe a save game must be available on the xbox harddisk.
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i found the problem. some links to the savegames where not right. i changed the id in the vector.xml and then the problem was solved!

thnxz for ya help

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Xlink can't find all games on HD0