Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Ace skin: customizing
So far this skin seems to rock! I wanted an interface with a little more gloss than Confluence, so hopefully Ace will continue working with no problems. I was using Aeon Nox on my Apple TV 2, but it was crashing frequently in IceFilms and 1Channel (whenever I paused the movie).

I have perused the boards but haven't quite found the answers I'm looking for.

(1) How do I create a main menu item for video add-ons (1Channel, etc)? Obviously, I can navigate to the add-ons via Movies or TV Shows but it's a "long way around the mountain" as they say. It would be more convenient if I could just have the addons accessible from the main menu, say something called "Streaming" or such (other non-technical people in the house)

(2) I found information on customizing the background images using themes
My questions pertains to the theme folder. If I wanted to store the folder for images on the ATV itself, where is the idea location? Are the any best practices?

(3) Is there a way to change the playback info that is displayed (when pausing)? For example, in Ace the Plot summary pops up. Could I disable? Just curious about how deep I can go in customizing the interfaces. Is this an XBMC config or a skin config?

Sorry for all of the questions but I figure that there are some hardcode XBMC users out there. It's my first jailbreak. I keep thinking of the scene in Goodfellas when Henry gets busted the first time and all the gangsters are there clapping when he gets out. I kinda feel like I'm part of "da family".

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